Cromarty Archive

RNLB Lilla Marras, Douglas & Will  - c1955

RNLB Lilla Marras, Douglas & Will - c1955

Date Added: 18 November 2003 Contributor: Johnny Gray Year: 1955 Picture No: 572

Groups: Cromarty Lifeboats


This looks like the Lilla Marras Douglas and Will taken before the enclosed wheelhouse was added. The James MacPhee had varnished wood cabins and a funnel. Comment left on 16 December 2003 by Campbell Ross
I concur with Campbell Ross, this was the Lilla Marras, Douglas & Will on her arrival day in 1955. The James Macfee went out on the arrival day, to meet the new lifeboat, & on that occassion the late Richard Brooke, former 2nd Coxn., was at the helm, and I was Bowman that afternoon.
**(Richard, above mentioned, later drowned, as a result of an accident in the Gareloch, and was finally laid to rest to the right of the North door of the EAST Church in Cromarty.)
Comment left on 27 December 2003 by Clem Watson
Thanks Campbell and Clem - I have now updated the title and year from RNLB James Macfee and 1950 to the correct ones. Comment left on 28 December 2003 by Garve Scott-Lodge
I remember going out on the James Macfee to meet the Lilla Marass on her passage to Cromarty, I was home on leave at the time from the merchant navy, Richard Brookes was second cox'n and we met Albert and his crew half way across the firth on their way home.
I think Jay Duff was aboard the Macfee as well, if I remember properly. I know I was at the wheel at the time and got drookit on the passage out. The James Macfee is now lying in the canal as a house boat.
Comment left on 27 January 2004 by Ian Jack
I was on the James Macfee with you Ian, and remember 'Brookies' handling the 'hebb' tide problem when approaching the harbour entrance!

Ahead, Astarn, an' no go nae way!

A fair breeze o' win' that day as I recall, as the RNLI ensign shows.

You had an excellent early training on the Enterprise & the Endeavour too! Happy memories!
Comment left on 27 January 2004 by Clem Watson
You are absolutely correct there Clem, your father taught many future seamen their trade in his own quiet way. He was one of the old time coxn's, a natural seaman.
i see on the photo. of the james macfee eddy scott sitting up forrard wi a fag in his moo.
oo thee deein the sel these days?
Comment left on 27 January 2004 by Ian Jack
Do you know that the Lilla Marras Douglas and Will is now a hotel-boat in Harlingen-NL?
Weird isn't it? At least she is still alive...
Wel jammer...
Comment left on 24 June 2004 at 21:33 by Jeroen van Dillewijn
Is that gentleman Richard Brookes, [ that you mention Clem] Major Brookes? I remember him - he was a very nice guy. Didn't he go missing and his body was found later? Comment left on 27 September 2005 at 22:27 by Mary Mackay now Harrison
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