Cromarty Coastguard - c1969
This pic was taken in the boat shed underneath the Coastguard Station.
Left to Right
Back Row (partly hidden):- Hughie Macphee, Syd Maclean, Ronnie Cooper, Goodie Shepherd, Robso Shepherd, Gerry Smith
Next Row:- Skip Mackay, ?, George Thomson, Dod Maclemman, Alastair Shepherd, Albert Larne, Jimmy Dixon, Buller Mackay, Johnny Clelland, Donnie Hossack, Ala Macdonald, Gibby, (? partly hidden), Duncan Hossack
Front Row:- Abu Shepherd, Harry Kelly, Mackaskill, Cecil Shepherd, Ken Shepherd, ?.
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My dad sent this is in the 1960s not 1975.
Comment left on 24 April 2004 at 21:28 by Jenny Fraser
Thanks Jenny, I've changed the date.
Comment left on 24 April 2004 at 23:15 by Garve Scott-Lodge
Apparently Mackaskill in the front row is not Mackaskill, he is Rex Skinner station officer at the time. The un-named chap beside Ken Shepherd is possibly a man named Mr Malcolm.
Comment left on 24 September 2004 at 18:46 by Anon
Yep you could be right the name does ring a bell I think If I remember right the chap next to uncle Ken was named White who used to stay at the Centra which Mr Blue owned, and which used to be a chip shop owned by Betty Maciver before she changed her name. It is now the antiques shop!
Comment left on 25 September 2004 at 02:53 by Paul Shepherd
Next row - between Gibby (?partly hidden) Duncan Hossack) partly hidden is my dad, Donovan Fearnley, who was a coastguard at Cromarty between 1959 & 1977, then till 1982, the year that he died, he was auxillary coastguard in charge, he was 70 years old when he died. before that my dad was flt. Sgt. 517173 Donovan Fearnley RAF, air sea rescue, serving for 40 years. he was born in leeds, was married to the late Doris, his daughter, Gillian, is married to James Junor, whose great great grandfather was born at Cromarty Mains, their grandson is Alan Junor, and when joining the coastguard in Cromarty he was always known as the 'new coastguard'!!!!! He adopted Cromarty has his home and was well versed and interested in the heritage and history of the Cromarty area. Dad always had time to speak to everybody, he is sadly missed.
Comment left on 18 August 2005 at 21:29 by Gillian E. Junor ne Fearnley
is the man kneeling next to ken shepherd not mr. law who was a painter and stayed in church street
Comment left on 10 October 2005 at 18:12 by Kenny Macfarlane
Think your right Kenny he - had a son Adam, and used to drive around in a black Humber. He stayed where Nick now stays next to Country Kitchen.
Comment left on 03 November 2005 at 23:13 by Sue.
Alas Sad to say no original Croms remain in the Coatguard at this present date, it has been in steady decline for a few years, probably something to do with full time staff politics !!!!!!!
Comment left on 12 December 2005 at 20:14 by Anon
The man kneeling next to Ken Shephard is Mr Malcom, my mum remembers he was an insurance man
Comment left on 07 January 2006 at 00:15 by Duncan Ross
Willie Malcolm was an insurance collector for Liverpool Victoria Insurance Co. He lived in Dingwall and only came to Cromarty to collect on collection days. He used to come to our house when we lived in Duke Street. I don't think he was ever in the L.S.A.
Comment left on 11 January 2006 at 15:49 by Kenny Macfarlane
The man kneeling beside Ken Shepherd is definately Mr Law.If i remember correctly his name was Davie. He had a daughter called Dorothy who i was friendly with and a son called Adam. Before they stayed in the house above Jessie's newsagents they stayed where Sandra the hairdresser stays in Church Street .They then moved to Rosefarm.He died suddenly in the Royal Hotel on a night out.
Comment left on 21 January 2006 at 17:26 by Margaret Cassie ( Clelland )
You are right Margaret now you say it. I had an e-mail from Adam a couple of weeks ago through "Freinds Reunited" I am in St Marten in the Caribbean on a luxury Superyacht. (Not holiday. I might add. Chief Engineer)
This is a brilliant site. Comment left on 22 January 2006 at 23:16 by Pat Swanson
This is a brilliant site. Comment left on 22 January 2006 at 23:16 by Pat Swanson
Good to see Goodie was still as handsome then as he is now. I bet he was the strongest out of them all as well.
Comment left on 23 January 2006 at 21:16 by Greig (Goodie junior)
The man kneeling next to Ken Shephard is definitely not Willie Malcolm. I am certain of this as he is my father and only visited Cromarty every second Monday.
Billy Malcom Comment left on 19 April 2006 at 17:10 by BillyMalcolm
Billy Malcom Comment left on 19 April 2006 at 17:10 by BillyMalcolm
Just to confirm the gentleman 3rd from left in front row in Uniform is Andrew (Rex) Skinner, my late husband Andrew Gordon Skinner's father. Both buried in Cromarty Cemetary.
Comment left on 05 May 2006 at 09:14 by Ann Skinner
Great to see Alastair's face again after so many years, probably don't remember me now, we used to have a Dram or Two in the Cromarty arms.Wherever you are Alastair, SLANGE.
Comment left on 05 October 2007 at 11:06 by William Showell
The little dog is pug my pekenise pup
Comment left on 07 April 2015 at 18:43 by Margaret Owens Ne Mackay
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