Clements Family in the Garden of Wellington House
The Clements family, who lived in Albion House, in the front Garden of Wellington House in the late 30's or early 40's.
The children would be John, the younger child, and Jimmy. I think John was born about 1941, so that would date the photo to c.1943/4. While I can't identify the individual women, the boys' mother was called Chrissie, and Chrissie's sister Ann Slader, who was probably living in Forsyth House by then, could be one of the other women.Chrissie and Ann were both beautiful women.John is still a regular visitor to Cromarty.
Comment left on 04 February 2006 at 19:13 by Ruth MacGregor
The consensus seems to be the summer of 1943. Lady on left, picking daisies, Nan Macleod. Fair haired boy at her side, John Clements. Lady in middle, Chris MacTavish (Albion House). Lady on right with typical 2nd. World War head gear, Chrissie Couper (Matheson), former chemist of Cromarty - my mother. Young man with all the hair on Chrissie's knee is the current indefatigable Works Convenor of Cromarty Boat Club! I was in the company of this trio many times, they were great friends, a very happy bunch - always laughing.
Comment left on 04 April 2006 at 11:40 by Ranald Nicolson Matheson
There is mention of houses in the vicinity of Wellington House being owned by John Junor, Jeremiah Joyner, The Rev.Dr George Romane of London and Lady Hackett; has anyone else come across these names in their research? There may be some confusion with the fact that Captain Alexander Clark, who built Wellington House built it on land previously occupied by two dwellings which were gable end on to the street and were where the front garden is now. The foundations may be there somewhere as my efforts at symmetrical planting are constantly thwarted by plants thriving on one side of the path and dying on the other.
Captain Clark was a privateer in his younger days and retired to what he refers to in his will as the "house built by me"[in 1829] when he looked for a quieter life. He left shares in various boats in his will including the Fame of Findhorn, the Hope of Inverness, the Rachel of Liverpool, the Alert of Inverurie, the London of Inverness and the Caledonia of Invereugh[spelling?]. His son Alexander Tulloch Clark was a sailor on the Rachel of Liverpool, another son Robert was a student of medicine, his daughter Janet was married to James Hopach, a shipmaster of Findhorn, another daughter married a farmer from Petty and the youngest, Mary who was single inherited all his furniture, silver plate, books, bedlinen and table linen. Captain Cark's name is on the first list of subscribers to Cromarty library; an ancient list is to be found in the present library somewhere. Comment left on 21 February 2009 at 20:04 by Ann Hill
Captain Clark was a privateer in his younger days and retired to what he refers to in his will as the "house built by me"[in 1829] when he looked for a quieter life. He left shares in various boats in his will including the Fame of Findhorn, the Hope of Inverness, the Rachel of Liverpool, the Alert of Inverurie, the London of Inverness and the Caledonia of Invereugh[spelling?]. His son Alexander Tulloch Clark was a sailor on the Rachel of Liverpool, another son Robert was a student of medicine, his daughter Janet was married to James Hopach, a shipmaster of Findhorn, another daughter married a farmer from Petty and the youngest, Mary who was single inherited all his furniture, silver plate, books, bedlinen and table linen. Captain Cark's name is on the first list of subscribers to Cromarty library; an ancient list is to be found in the present library somewhere. Comment left on 21 February 2009 at 20:04 by Ann Hill
John was my early childhood friend. We started school together and sat together in Miss McKenzie's class. We attended afternoon Sunday school in the East Church and then went to his Mother's for tea. Many years ago now but the memories remain. A lovely family.
Comment left on 22 March 2009 at 21:38 by Alex Grant
Thank you Calum for pointing me to this fantastic picture.Alas I cant seem to find anymore of the Clements family. Do you have a contact address where I could make contact with John or any of his family.I am researching the Urquhart,McTavish families and it is wonderful to be able to get photos of them . I have founf this Cromarty Image Library invaluable as I live in New Zealand.
Kindest regards
Carolyn Comment left on 04 October 2009 at 00:47 by Carolyn Sheehan
Kindest regards
Carolyn Comment left on 04 October 2009 at 00:47 by Carolyn Sheehan
Does anybody know who Lady Hackett was? She is mentioned as "writing from Hanover" in the 1853 diary of Elizabeth Taylor of Tain. {See picture #2590 of Rosenberg for more information.]
Comment left on 27 January 2010 at 20:02 by Katharine Broome
Lady Hacket was I suspect the wife of Sir Hugh Halkett, who was a General in the Hanovarian Army, and commanded a Brigade of Hanoverian landwehr (militia), at the Battle of Waterloo. He was famous for capturing General Cambronne while his Osnabrück Battalion engaged the French Imperial Guard at the end of the battle.
It was General Cambornne who reputably said - "The Guard dies and does not surrender!"
Lady Halket was his second wife and was - I think - a Graham from Cromarty. The family owned Bellvue in Church Street, indeed it was in the same Family until the 1960's. General Halket (who was from Fife) continued in the German service until his death in the 1860's, which explains the letter from Hanover. Comment left on 30 January 2010 at 14:18 by Calum Davidson
It was General Cambornne who reputably said - "The Guard dies and does not surrender!"
Lady Halket was his second wife and was - I think - a Graham from Cromarty. The family owned Bellvue in Church Street, indeed it was in the same Family until the 1960's. General Halket (who was from Fife) continued in the German service until his death in the 1860's, which explains the letter from Hanover. Comment left on 30 January 2010 at 14:18 by Calum Davidson
Thanks, Calum. That ties in as Elizabeth Taylor's mother was Mary Poyntz Munro [1809-67] daughter of Lt. Col Innes Munro of Poyntzfield. Jemima Lady Munro was a Graham & the diary mentions much coming & going between Grahams & Munros & staying at Bellevue with parties etc.
Comment left on 30 January 2010 at 15:47 by Katharine Broome
i did'nt live in cromaty in the year this picture was taken. In later years i worked for mrs Slader also her sister mrs Clements. iam sure John and Jimmey would remember me we had happy times.
Comment left on 20 February 2010 at 16:24 by Gladys Shepherd Nee Parsley
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