Cromarty Junior Secondary School - 1955
Dorothy is 4th from right, front row. I've asked for a larger version if possible.
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A Larger version of this pic Dorothy would be great !! .. nice one to keep for the photo album... I think thats me far left back row ?
Comment left on 21 January 2005 at 23:36 by John Macdonald
Back row l-r John Macdonald, ?, Harry Kynarzyk, Donald Campbell?, Donald Mackintosh, ?, George Macphee, ?, Stephen Parsley?, Kenneth Shepherd,
middle row l-r Angus Morrison, Raymond Maclean, Janie Ritchie, Norma Lewis?, Hazel Thomson, Margaret Ritchie, Elizabeth ?, Irene Ewen, Heather Hossack, ?, ?,
front row l-r Kenneth Mackay, Margaret Ritchie, Doreen Macphee, Sheila Macauley, Ella Mackay, Gladys Robertson, ?, ?, ?, Dorothy Robertson, ?, Jeanette Macphee, John Clelland Comment left on 25 February 2005 at 09:15 by Dorothy Even
middle row l-r Angus Morrison, Raymond Maclean, Janie Ritchie, Norma Lewis?, Hazel Thomson, Margaret Ritchie, Elizabeth ?, Irene Ewen, Heather Hossack, ?, ?,
front row l-r Kenneth Mackay, Margaret Ritchie, Doreen Macphee, Sheila Macauley, Ella Mackay, Gladys Robertson, ?, ?, ?, Dorothy Robertson, ?, Jeanette Macphee, John Clelland Comment left on 25 February 2005 at 09:15 by Dorothy Even
Larger version now available, and Dorothy says "Yes John, that`s you at the back looking quite shy! "
Comment left on 09 March 2005 at 13:39 by Garve Scott-Lodge
Dorothy ....what a nice bunch of lads and lassies we were !!...You did well at remembering most of the names ...I did have this photograph ...many years ago ..but never found it again ? ..so it was nice you posted it ! Thanks
Comment left on 15 July 2005 at 15:56 by John Macdonald
Elilsabeth Macleod is the person between Margaret Ritchie and Irene Ewen
Comment left on 10 March 2006 at 06:10 by Hazel Clark (Thomson)
Hazel ..if I can remember rightly.....wasn't Elizabeth Macleod the daughter of the then Policeman in Cromarty ?
Comment left on 28 March 2006 at 04:41 by John Macdonald
Yes, she was my best friend when we were little!
Comment left on 29 March 2006 at 06:25 by Hazel Clark
I think I have recognized myself (I think). Linda Heddle 6th from the right on front row. Yeah.
Comment left on 01 August 2013 at 22:05 by Linda Norman (Nee Heddle)
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