2 High St - 1919
The front of Bain's shop on the corner of Church St and Forsyth Place.
Albums: Buildings

2 High Street is the address of what is now Gardiner & Gardiner antiques shop on the opposite corner!
Comment left on 09 April 2009 at 16:20 by Mary Bowers
I believe John Bain lived at 1 Forsyth Place, above his shop which is now a pantry?
Comment left on 31 March 2010 at 20:39 by Paul Thomas
My copy of this has "2 High Street Cromarty Circa 1890" written on it, in unknown handwriting. I too think it might be the antiques shop, despite the facade being very different now. The side window and the not-quite-right-angle of the corner suggest this, but a close look at the present stonework would decide it. The man does look very like John Bain though.
Comment left on 08 February 2014 at 16:14 by Ruth MacGregor
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