School Photograph - c1947
Do you recognize anyone, and can you pinpoint the year?
Albums: School
I think this is earlier than 1947. My uncle David Taylor is 2nd from the left in the back row and he looks about 12 -13 years old, born 1932. The gentleman to the right of the photo is I think 'Rae the schoolmaster', headmaster when I attended Cromarty school for a short time in the early fifties.
Comment left on 26 January 2004 by Catherine Penmnan
Where is Davy Taylor now? I haven't seen him since he left Cromarty.
Comment left on 26 January 2004 by Ian Jack
I think the girl on Jessie Ross' left is Jean Macleod, whose father was Chief Coastguard for a while.
She later married Peter Taylor form Cromarty, who also joined CG, and moved to WICK.
Fourth in from the left was her sister Nanette Macleod.
Next to Jimmy Clements was John Fyffe(FIFE?)whose Dad was the C.of S Minister before Rev.
Jenkins. Could the left hand front chap be your cousin Peter Low?, or maybe I'm suffering memory loss! Front row 2nd in from right Mary Gilmour, that's the best I can do for you.
Comment left on 28 January 2004 by Clem Watson
She later married Peter Taylor form Cromarty, who also joined CG, and moved to WICK.
Fourth in from the left was her sister Nanette Macleod.
Next to Jimmy Clements was John Fyffe(FIFE?)whose Dad was the C.of S Minister before Rev.
Jenkins. Could the left hand front chap be your cousin Peter Low?, or maybe I'm suffering memory loss! Front row 2nd in from right Mary Gilmour, that's the best I can do for you.
Comment left on 28 January 2004 by Clem Watson
You are right about everyone except Peter Low, he was in the class below me. I don't know who that person is. I must ask Lachie next time I'm up.
Comment left on 28 January 2004 by Ian Jack
Front row ?? (someone from the coastguard - not sure of his name) Eunice Grant, Babsie MacLean, Nanette MacLeod, Dorothy MacDonald, Isa MacKenzie, Mary Gilmour, Michael Jeyes.
4th from left on middle row is Mairi Mackenzie
Best we can do! Comment left on 31 January 2004 by Iris & Lachie Winton
4th from left on middle row is Mairi Mackenzie
Best we can do! Comment left on 31 January 2004 by Iris & Lachie Winton
Davy Taylor is retired and well and living in Manchester where he worked as a journalist for many years. He thinks this photo maybe 1945.
Comment left on 08 February 2004 by Catherine Penman
Must be 1946 or later as I didn't come to Cromarty till 46, I just cannot remember the photograph being taken, I left school in 1948, 15 years old, and worked on the ferry with Albert Watson for a year and then went to sea in Oct 1949. Give my regards to Davy.
Comment left on 09 February 2004 by Ian Jack
Comment left on 09 February 2004 by Ian Jack
My name is Donald Macfarlane (12/06/1955). I have recently been in Cromarty/Nigg 15/02/2004 to visit relations, Aunties(Lalla Swanson / Catherine Taylor and cousin Kenny Macfarlane and came across this school photograph through my dad's (Donald William Macfarlane) sister (Catherine Mary Ross Taylor) - dad is 3rd along the back row - not 4th as indicated in the comment. Unfortunately he died 2nd january 1997 in Corby, Northants. He was a member of the Submarine Society ( ex submariner HMS Tireless / Tiptoe / Artemis - down south and there was a great turn out at his funeral. His heart was always in Cromarty as was his blood family. I am sure he will be missed.
Should you need more info please do not hesitate to contact me. I am researching my family tree - so any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated - Thanks Comment left on 15 February 2004 by Donald William Macfarlane
Should you need more info please do not hesitate to contact me. I am researching my family tree - so any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated - Thanks Comment left on 15 February 2004 by Donald William Macfarlane
I was counting sandy reid as number one in the back row, so making Donny fourth. We were class mates even though we were right at the bottom of the class. Our main interest was to get out of school and go to sea. Our other main interest was in visiting Jess Mackay's and getting a cigarette from her for a sly smoke.
Comment left on 16 February 2004 by Ian Jack
Hi, my uncle - Michael Jeyes is in the front row. Unfortunately he died last Easter. I think our grandad also worked for the coastguard, seems to be the thing to do!
Does anyone remember my dad, Brian Jeyes, he was born Dec 1931 so was about 3 years older than Mick. He remembered his time in Scotland with great affection, hence my name! Comment left on 13 November 2005 at 17:49 by Fiona Jeyes
Does anyone remember my dad, Brian Jeyes, he was born Dec 1931 so was about 3 years older than Mick. He remembered his time in Scotland with great affection, hence my name! Comment left on 13 November 2005 at 17:49 by Fiona Jeyes
Hi Fiona, I vaguely remember your dad but I remember Michael very well, he worked in the Co�op with me and I have happy memories of that time. I am sorry to hear of his death he was a nice lad.
Iris Winton [Mackay] - Husband Ronnie Winton. Comment left on 27 December 2005 at 23:48 by Iris Winton
Iris Winton [Mackay] - Husband Ronnie Winton. Comment left on 27 December 2005 at 23:48 by Iris Winton
Great fun to see a picture of my father Donald Macivor.
Comment left on 25 January 2006 at 20:17 by Donald Macivor
Centre row 4th from left is Marie MacKenzie (not Marie Scott). She is my Granny!
Comment left on 30 August 2008 at 12:05 by Scott MacKenzie
Greetings from Donny Fraser (the one in the middle of the three Donnies in the back row) Now living in Pitlochry but still have happy memories of shooldays in Cromarty. Have visited "home" many times the last one in 2009 when I had a grand chat with Iris and Ronnie Winton. Marie Mackenzie was a great friend and rival in the class - Marie please make contact.
Comment left on 06 August 2010 at 17:42 by Donald (Donny) Fraser
Sandy Reid was married to my great-aunt, Dorothy Watt. If anyone has any memories, I would love to hear them. Many thanks.
Comment left on 21 May 2016 at 22:20 by Alison Watt
Form Goes Here
Centre row: Jimmy Dixon, Ian Jack, Marigold Campbell, Marie Scott, Jessie Ross, ??, Margaret Macdonald, Jimmy Clements, ??,
Front row: ??, Eunice Grant, Babsie Maclean, ?? I think her dad was the coastguard, Dorothy Macdonald, ??, Mary ?, ??.
Help me out you old timers please. I'm having a senior moment.
ian jack Comment left on 26 January 2004 by Ian Jack