Jean Young and Jimmy Mallaig - c1980
After a superficial injury to his head, Jimmy Mallaig had to wear a 'turban' of bandages around his head, which attracted a lot of comment. He decided to brighten it up a bit with a sheriff's star, and soon visitors to the town would have their photos taken with him and buy him drinks. He started wearing more and more outrageous items, even when he no longer needed the bandages, and the drinks and complements kept flowing.
Although to many visitors he must have seemed like a quaint 'local yokel', he had his head screwed on, and was a shrewd and interesting character.
Albums: People
I remember Jimmy Mallaig. He used to give us kids sweeties, so we were always dead excited when we saw him coming along the street! I was sorry to hear that he died quite recently.
Comment left on 04 March 2004 by Kirsten Garratt
On my school holidays in Cromarty With Evan the Post & Ena a few of us kids used to get a loan of Jimmy's boat to go fishing just as far as in front of Bayview. I was saddened to hear of his death. Yea! He was a character. Thats for sure.
Comment left on 04 March 2004 by Patrick Swanson
There's something not right about that smile of my mother's but I'm not brave enough to say but if you have the guts ask her and see what she says.
Comment left on 25 April 2004 at 23:16 by Ronald Young
Teeth Maybe!!
Comment left on 25 September 2004 at 03:07 by Paul Shepherd
Is this the same Jean Mackay (Young) that used to work in Eva and Johnnie's Shop in High Street ..many moons ago ??
Comment left on 21 November 2004 at 12:08 by John Macdonald
Yip John thats the same Jean, (my Mam).
Comment left on 24 November 2004 at 21:27 by Ronald Young
Please give her my regards Ronald ...also of course I remember Jimmy Mallaig ...he certainly brought some life into the old town !!!
Comment left on 25 November 2004 at 12:03 by John Macdonald
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