McLeman Family
Margaret says "The attached photo shows, L - R
Ena Mcleman (Robina), with baby. I think baby is Alexander, who died in
On the table: Peggy (Margaret) and Davie (David)
David Mcleman
I'm guessing the date to be 1918 0r 1919.
Granny (Ena) had a larger version of this photo on her bedroom wall.
Albums: People
Hi, While I can not add any coments re the people in the picture I would very much like to join your research group. I am living in Canada and very involved with compiling info re the Mcleman Tree. I am originaly from Stornoway Scotland. regards Jim McLeman
Comment left on 21 March 2004 by Jim McLeman
Hello, Jim:
I personally do not have a 'research group, ' but you should contact '[email protected].' Perhaps someone there can help you.
Peggy (Margaret) Mcleman was my mother. She and Davie, her brother, passed away a few years ago.
My Uncles, Dod (George) and Reg still live in Cromarty.
Have you seen picture #704?
If you'd like to send me email privately and tell me about your research, I'll be happy to contact my uncles and ask them what they know of the McLeman family history. They don't have email access, so it could take a wee while.
I live in California and haven't been in Cromarty for over 20 years.
Ca' canny,
Margaret Comment left on 21 March 2004 by Margaret Tong
I personally do not have a 'research group, ' but you should contact '[email protected].' Perhaps someone there can help you.
Peggy (Margaret) Mcleman was my mother. She and Davie, her brother, passed away a few years ago.
My Uncles, Dod (George) and Reg still live in Cromarty.
Have you seen picture #704?
If you'd like to send me email privately and tell me about your research, I'll be happy to contact my uncles and ask them what they know of the McLeman family history. They don't have email access, so it could take a wee while.
I live in California and haven't been in Cromarty for over 20 years.
Ca' canny,
Margaret Comment left on 21 March 2004 by Margaret Tong
Hello again, Jim:
I think I may have a contact for you. I grew up in Buckie (spent my summer holidays in Cromarty) and I know there is an 'ex-Avoch' man, living in Buckie. I don't know if he has internet access, but I will send him a message, via a friend in Buckie.
Interesting that you are originally from Stornoway. I have fond memories of my Cromarty Granny singing "On the Road to Stornoway." She was a Calum Kennedy fan and a much loved Granny. Comment left on 22 March 2004 by Margaret Tong
I think I may have a contact for you. I grew up in Buckie (spent my summer holidays in Cromarty) and I know there is an 'ex-Avoch' man, living in Buckie. I don't know if he has internet access, but I will send him a message, via a friend in Buckie.
Interesting that you are originally from Stornoway. I have fond memories of my Cromarty Granny singing "On the Road to Stornoway." She was a Calum Kennedy fan and a much loved Granny. Comment left on 22 March 2004 by Margaret Tong
Hi Jim - Why not click the 'My Album' link at the bottom of the page. You can create your own album of pictures on this site of interest to Mclemans, and make it visible to the public. (If you click the 'visitors' link at the top of the page you'll see what I mean).
Comment left on 22 March 2004 by Garve Scott-Lodge
This picture is of my great grandparents and great aunt and uncle. Margaret I can see a bit of likeness to my mum Carol MacIntosh nee Macleman from looking at the picture of great granny.
Comment left on 11 October 2004 at 21:45 by Lynne Crichton
Hello Lynne!
I tried to email you, but clicking on your name doesn't work. Yes, Carol does look like Granny McLeman and I am sure she has her good nature too! Granny McLeman was kind to everyone. We all miss her. Comment left on 11 October 2004 at 23:01 by Margaret Tong (Cowie)
I tried to email you, but clicking on your name doesn't work. Yes, Carol does look like Granny McLeman and I am sure she has her good nature too! Granny McLeman was kind to everyone. We all miss her. Comment left on 11 October 2004 at 23:01 by Margaret Tong (Cowie)
Nice to see others using the web. Lynne and Margaret. I now have a lot of info involving McLemans and Maclemans and would like to share if anyone is interested, send me a personal e/mail to [email protected] and I will respond regards to all. Oh I got the info with the help of others involved with the family tree.
Comment left on 12 October 2004 at 02:23 by Jim McLeman
Looking to RE contact a Brian Duncan who used to have e/mail address as follows [email protected] I have family tree info which I think he might like to have copy of.
Regards to all at Och and Cromarty Comment left on 19 October 2004 at 01:42 by Jim McLeman
Regards to all at Och and Cromarty Comment left on 19 October 2004 at 01:42 by Jim McLeman
This picture of my great uncle David sparks a striking resemblance to my dad, George Macleman aka Geordie Toy when he was a wee boy. Could anyone tell me why the name changed from McLeman to Macleman, as my grandad would of been born a McLeman but from what I know of - it's always been Macleman??
Comment left on 23 November 2004 at 10:24 by Ella Macleman
Ella, I think you’ll find the name is a corruption of McLennan. Literacy to the masses hasn’t been with us for much more than a century therefore when events such as births were recorded phonetic spelling was often used resulting in the variants from the original we see today. Having done a little genealogy I have come across Mcleman, Macleman, Maclennan, Mackleman and so on. However, Mcleman appears to be unique to Cromarty and Avoch.
Comment left on 24 November 2004 at 19:50 by Andrew Bathie
Hello, Ella: This is your cousin, Margaret in California (Actually your Dad's cousin) I submitted the photo with the 'McLeman' spelling. I have a vague memory of my Mum, your late great aunt Peggy, saying that some members of the family spelled it 'McLeman' and others 'MacLeman.' This is something your Grandad Dod might know. I'm really interested in learning more. When I became an American Citizen in 1991, I added 'McLeman' to my name. Now I'm wondering how much it will cost me to change that to 'MacLeman!' Best wishes to your Mum and Dad, Granny and Grandad, Uncles Reg and Hugh and Alison and Darkie. Margaret
Comment left on 25 November 2004 at 00:06 by Margaret Tong
Hi Margaret, after reading your comments I approached my granny and grandad and unfortunately they are also unsure... But it gave them an incentive to introduce me to the old family photo albums, with some pictures of you and the family when you were all very young, loved the hairstyles!! And also some pictures of my dad and Billy in America. Has anyone made a Macleman (or McLeman!) family tree, as my dad and granny were interested in doing so. The family are all asking after you, best wishes
Comment left on 29 November 2004 at 10:36 by Ella Macleman
Ella, if you can drop me a line with your e-mail address I can send you a copy of your ancestry.
Comment left on 01 December 2004 at 18:37 by Andrew Bathie
Hi Ella my name is Jim Mcleman originally from Stornoway now living in BC Canada. I have a tree of both McLeman and MacLemans who came from Avoch, Fraserburgh, and Cromarty. Please contact me.
Comment left on 01 December 2004 at 20:21 by Jim McLeman
Hi, I also have been trying to do a search for Mcleman's since my grandfather Horis Fredrick, and my mother d.o.b 1957 Meta Mcleman have been missing for years. My grandmother died and I'm the only one left. I was told there was a book on the Mcleman's and where they are across North America. I myself am from Ont. Canada. and was told the name used to be Macleman before the clan left Scotland. I give you luck in your search, and if you can help me with mine, good luck.
Comment left on 28 March 2005 at 19:07 by Christine Ellis
I've stumbled across this by accident but the comments and pictures tie a few loose ends together.
I'm Lynne Chrichton's (see above) cousin from her father's side. I have been researching our Mackintosh family tree for several years now and have stumbled across the several links to the Maclemans and Mackintosh families over several generations. Comment left on 22 June 2005 at 19:29 by Gordon Mackintosh
I've stumbled across this by accident but the comments and pictures tie a few loose ends together.
I'm Lynne Chrichton's (see above) cousin from her father's side. I have been researching our Mackintosh family tree for several years now and have stumbled across the several links to the Maclemans and Mackintosh families over several generations. Comment left on 22 June 2005 at 19:29 by Gordon Mackintosh
My name is Nancy Finlayson and I live in B.C. Canada. I have been in touch with Andrew Bathie and he has given me a wealth of information on my Mcleman side of the family. My grandfather Hugh Mcleman Finlayson was born in Cromarty Oct. 31 1889 to Andrew and Isabella Mcleman Finlayson. Isabella's parents were John and Isabella Watson Mcleman and Andrew's parents were Hugh and Ann Ross Watson Finlayson. I would love to hear from any and all of you to see if there are any more conections. It was through Andrew Bathie that I met Meg Austin nee Finlayson and we met for the first time last year when we went to England/Scotland and then up to Cromarty. We had such a marvelous time. Comment left on 28 June 2005 at 21:16 by Nancy Finlayson
My name is Nancy Finlayson and I live in B.C. Canada. I have been in touch with Andrew Bathie and he has given me a wealth of information on my Mcleman side of the family. My grandfather Hugh Mcleman Finlayson was born in Cromarty Oct. 31 1889 to Andrew and Isabella Mcleman Finlayson. Isabella's parents were John and Isabella Watson Mcleman and Andrew's parents were Hugh and Ann Ross Watson Finlayson. I would love to hear from any and all of you to see if there are any more conections. It was through Andrew Bathie that I met Meg Austin nee Finlayson and we met for the first time last year when we went to England/Scotland and then up to Cromarty. We had such a marvelous time. Comment left on 28 June 2005 at 21:16 by Nancy Finlayson
This picture sparked my interest because the people in the picture are part of my family tree. As I continue with my research it seems that everyone in Cromarty is somehow connected through a complicated set of relationships. I am always finding new connections to my Cromarty family tree. David Manson MacLeman, husband of Robina Watson appears on my tree as the son of Alexander MacLeman and Catherine Manson. Alexander MacLeman is my great-great-great-uncle, brother of my great-great-great-grandfather John "Jock Dhu" MacLeman. This family appears numerous times on my tree through inter-marriage between relations. It also appears under Margaret MacLeman, daughter of Elizabeth Skinner and Alexander MacLeman through Margaret's son James Hossack, James' daughter Margaret Hossack, who married Robert Watson and they are the parents of Robina Watson.
Alexander MacLeman who married Elizabeth Skinner is my great-great-great-great-great grandfather. His son Hugh MacLeman is the father of John "Jock Dhu" MacLeman, who as I mentioned before is my great-great-great-grandfather.
Andrew Bathie's information has allowed me to connect all these individuals. Comment left on 11 August 2005 at 23:25 by Ian Roberts
Alexander MacLeman who married Elizabeth Skinner is my great-great-great-great-great grandfather. His son Hugh MacLeman is the father of John "Jock Dhu" MacLeman, who as I mentioned before is my great-great-great-grandfather.
Andrew Bathie's information has allowed me to connect all these individuals. Comment left on 11 August 2005 at 23:25 by Ian Roberts
Ian, like you I quickly came to the realisation that the fisher families are all in some way related albeit distant in some instances. The information I have accumulated over the years is largley built up from likeminded people who have each added something. My philosophy is that if we each add a piece to the jigsaw we'll end up with a picture.
It never ceases to amaze me just how much smaller the world is now we have the internet. Who'd of thought I'd have got a picture of my father as a toddler from a lady in Canada!
Going to Cromarty tomorrow for a week of doing absolutely nothing! Comment left on 12 August 2005 at 14:46 by Andrew Bathie
It never ceases to amaze me just how much smaller the world is now we have the internet. Who'd of thought I'd have got a picture of my father as a toddler from a lady in Canada!
Going to Cromarty tomorrow for a week of doing absolutely nothing! Comment left on 12 August 2005 at 14:46 by Andrew Bathie
In reply to both Ian and Andrew - from someone who comes from across the other side of the firth in Alness, what I have found is that at some point a lot of people were moving from the Tarbart and Portmahomack areas to Cromarty and then all the way around the firth. When you mention the family name of Skinner it really means "Portmahomack", Hossack too originated in Tarbat and then moved to Cromarty. I'm also looking for the names of Holmes and Corbett in Cromarty any suggestions?
Could you maybe contact me drect with your trees as I would really like to add to my 6,000+ tree. Comment left on 14 August 2005 at 12:16 by Gordon Mackintosh
Could you maybe contact me drect with your trees as I would really like to add to my 6,000+ tree. Comment left on 14 August 2005 at 12:16 by Gordon Mackintosh
Gordon, both Ian and I have sent you e-mails but as you've not responded I assume you must have either changed your e-mail address or your spam manager is blocking them. Can you contact me?
Comment left on 01 September 2005 at 21:16 by Andrew Bathie
Hello this is Christine Ellis in regards to my previous listing on here, I have found my real mother, and the spelling I gave was right. It is McLeman on her birth certificate, and i am so very happy. I'm waiting to have her look at this site so it might help her as well, so she might look up our family history, thank you for all your help.
Comment left on 14 December 2005 at 17:19 by Christine Ellis
I haven't much to add to my great nephew Ian Roberts comments except to say that I recall my mother telling me that her house at 7 Shore St was called "Stornoway House"
Comment left on 26 March 2006 at 20:22 by Louise Bradley
After reading through all these comments i am really keen on looking back on the Macleman family tree....can anyone help me out????
Comment left on 24 July 2006 at 21:58 by Ella Macleman
My name is Diana Fabas-Pirie and I live in Winnipeg, Canada. I am searching for descendants of John McLeman and Jane Beedie Pirie. John was born December 24, 1888 in Fraserburgh, the son of John McLeman and Sarah Lowe. Jane was born April 25, 1864 the daughter of Samuel Pirie and Mary Youngson. They married December 24, 1888 in Lonmay. John may have been a missionary and/or a minister. I believe this couple had 4 children but I have not found any descendants. Can anyone help me?
Comment left on 26 July 2006 at 23:54 by Diana Fabas-Pirie
My name is Diana Fabas-Pirie and I live in Winnipeg, Canada. I am searching for descendants of John McLeman and Jane Beedie Pirie. John was born December 24, 1888 in Fraserburgh, the son of John McLeman and Sarah Lowe. Jane was born April 25, 1864 the daughter of Samuel Pirie and Mary Youngson. They married December 24, 1888 in Lonmay. John may have been a missionary and/or a minister. I believe this couple had 4 children but I have not found any descendants. Can anyone help me?
Comment left on 26 July 2006 at 23:54 by Diana Fabas-Pirie
Hello Ella:
It's exciting that you have deciced to research the family tree. A good place to start is to get as much info as you can from living family members, then collect data from the General Register Office for Scotland. www.gro-scotland.gov.uk/
Are you reading my blog?
Margaret Comment left on 27 July 2006 at 16:44 by Margaret
It's exciting that you have deciced to research the family tree. A good place to start is to get as much info as you can from living family members, then collect data from the General Register Office for Scotland. www.gro-scotland.gov.uk/
Are you reading my blog?
Margaret Comment left on 27 July 2006 at 16:44 by Margaret
Hi Diana, I have tried to contact you on the e/mail which you gave but unable to make contact. Please contact me at [email protected]
Comment left on 27 July 2006 at 23:50 by Jim McLeman Calgary Canada
hi margaret, hope you are well. Ian roberts emailed me a copy of my family tree, which was brilliant. Im going to print it off and send a copy up to my dad as they dont have access to the internet-he was really excited about it and is going to get my granny and granda to have a look at it. I have attached my email address, please contact me. take care
Comment left on 06 August 2006 at 23:11 by Ella Macleman
my name is Andrew Mcleman i love this site because it is fabby dabby dosy.
Comment left on 19 September 2006 at 13:57 by Andrew Stephen Mcleman
My name is Colin Garnet MacLeman. My father was Capt. Donald MacLeman, born Avoch 1912. He had an elder brother David, a university lecturer who in turn had 2 daughters. These two (in early 60s I would think) are my first cousins who I have not ever met. I am visiting Scotland, travelling to Avoch about last week in August. My mother Marjorie & father Donald used to stay with Annie & Grigor Munroe. We also thayed with them in 1981. If somebody knows of how I can contact my 2 first cousins & also Annie & Grigor (if not deceased) I would be grateful. I am in UAE & my number is + 971 50 614 0464
Comment left on 15 March 2007 at 04:52 by Colin Garnet MacLeman
My father Capt Donald MacLeman, son of Donald MacLeman, owner & skipper of the Dispatch, the 197 tonne sail boat that traded in the east coast of the united kingdomm. My grandfather Donald, owner of the Dispatch was drowned at sea when my father was fairly young.
The family home in Avoch was Gowan Brae. I visited Gowan Brae in 1981. I have a 3rd child Hugh MacLeman. (aged 35).
For those interested you may visit www.macleman.com. It is the website set upo by my elder son Paul. I am anxious to establish a MacLeman family contact when I visit scotland in August this year.
Colin MacLeman (DOB 23/04/1941). Comment left on 15 March 2007 at 08:20 by Colin Garnet MacLeman
The family home in Avoch was Gowan Brae. I visited Gowan Brae in 1981. I have a 3rd child Hugh MacLeman. (aged 35).
For those interested you may visit www.macleman.com. It is the website set upo by my elder son Paul. I am anxious to establish a MacLeman family contact when I visit scotland in August this year.
Colin MacLeman (DOB 23/04/1941). Comment left on 15 March 2007 at 08:20 by Colin Garnet MacLeman
Thats part off my family
Comment left on 18 July 2007 at 11:33 by Shona mcleman
From Colin Garnet MacLeman (DOB 23/04/41).
Further to my enquiries I have found my 1st cousins Anne & Jean, daughters of my father's brother David MacLeman. My father Donald & his elder brother were born in Gowan Brae, avoch scotland.
I am visiting Scotland with my wife Susan (we presently live in Abu Dhabi, UAE) together with my elder brother Donald MacLeman from 17 to 30 August, firstly the edinburgh Festival 17 to 19 August then driving North to Muir of Ord, Avoch & the Black Isle to visit my new found relations & their families.
My contact details are, [email protected] & + 971 50 614 0464.
P.S. The small round boy sitting on the table looks exactly as I did at a similar age of 3 or 4 or so. Comment left on 19 July 2007 at 08:06 by Colin MacLeman.
Further to my enquiries I have found my 1st cousins Anne & Jean, daughters of my father's brother David MacLeman. My father Donald & his elder brother were born in Gowan Brae, avoch scotland.
I am visiting Scotland with my wife Susan (we presently live in Abu Dhabi, UAE) together with my elder brother Donald MacLeman from 17 to 30 August, firstly the edinburgh Festival 17 to 19 August then driving North to Muir of Ord, Avoch & the Black Isle to visit my new found relations & their families.
My contact details are, [email protected] & + 971 50 614 0464.
P.S. The small round boy sitting on the table looks exactly as I did at a similar age of 3 or 4 or so. Comment left on 19 July 2007 at 08:06 by Colin MacLeman.
My grandfather "Captain David Mcleman" who served in the merchant navy, then went on to be harbour master at Methil docks, did have family in Cromarty as I visited there once as a child with him and my grand mother Ethel (nee Smith).
The house we stayed in was on 4 floors, I think, and just along from the light house.
I remember my granddad telling me that he had a brother that went to live in Canada but he hadnt heard from him for a very long time.
My grandfather's dad was called David as well (i think) he was awarded an M.B.E.
My mother was called Davina, who i unfortunately lost to a brain tumor when I was eleven, sister to Margaret.
I would appreciate if you can put me in touch with one of my relations, maybe you are one!!!
Comment left on 30 July 2007 at 20:43 by Mark Henderson - Methil, Fife
The house we stayed in was on 4 floors, I think, and just along from the light house.
I remember my granddad telling me that he had a brother that went to live in Canada but he hadnt heard from him for a very long time.
My grandfather's dad was called David as well (i think) he was awarded an M.B.E.
My mother was called Davina, who i unfortunately lost to a brain tumor when I was eleven, sister to Margaret.
I would appreciate if you can put me in touch with one of my relations, maybe you are one!!!
Comment left on 30 July 2007 at 20:43 by Mark Henderson - Methil, Fife
My great-grandfather Alexander McLeman born in Burghead 1851 and my grandfather also Alexander McLeman born Peterhead 1881. My grandfather moved to Dunbar East Lothian in the early 1900's. The origins of our family name still remain a mystery and I doubt any connection with the Lamont clan. Living in France I am interested in the theory that the name came from Swiss mercenaries in Cumberland's forces at the battle of Culloden 1746 originating from around the shores of Lake Geneva or in French "Lac Leman" and after Culloden garrisoned the Black Isle and eventually settled there adopting the name McLeman..
Since we have only one known ancestor dob 1747, there could be some credence to the theory.. Comment left on 26 August 2007 at 07:28 by Malcolm McLeman
Since we have only one known ancestor dob 1747, there could be some credence to the theory.. Comment left on 26 August 2007 at 07:28 by Malcolm McLeman
Hello - this is Claudia Page in New Zealand . My Great Grandfather Alexander Pirie was Jane Beedie PIRIE's brother. He emigrated to Australia with his wife and children. He subsequently changed his name to Andrew PERRY and moved on to New Zealand. The family history was researched by my late mother some years ago, going back only as far as May YOUNGSON and Samuel PIRIE, so any futher information on the family would be much appreciated.
Comment left on 12 February 2008 at 02:34 by Claudia Page
If anyone in the Aberdeen area can access the "Press and Journal" archives, there was a very interesting article on the McLeman family in a January 1965 edition. I can maybe pinpoint the article close to or shortly after 14 January 1965 as this particular P&J issue had a front page picture of Aberdeen trawler Blue Crusader which disappeared off Orkney with the loss of all hands at this time. I would be grateful if anyone has any success in finding the said article.
Comment left on 12 February 2008 at 16:06 by Malcolm McLeman
Hi Malcolm.
I was interested in looking into your theory about the McLemans being French. Can you tell me where you got the information?
I was reading 'Statistical Account' written around 1800 by the Rev Mr James Smith, he said that the people of Avoch, Rosemarky & Cromerty understood and spoke English well and that English was commonly used. The church preached in English, even though some of the preachers could speak Gaelic. All the other villages around used the Gaelic.
I wonder why?
Comment left on 05 April 2008 at 08:43 by John
I was interested in looking into your theory about the McLemans being French. Can you tell me where you got the information?
I was reading 'Statistical Account' written around 1800 by the Rev Mr James Smith, he said that the people of Avoch, Rosemarky & Cromerty understood and spoke English well and that English was commonly used. The church preached in English, even though some of the preachers could speak Gaelic. All the other villages around used the Gaelic.
I wonder why?
Comment left on 05 April 2008 at 08:43 by John
Hi John,
I can only quote what was given to me in the late '50s by a Sydney (Aus)harbour pilot who had changed his name from Mc to MacLeman.
Prior to 1745/46, Cumberland was campaigning in Europe and was ordered to return and quelle the Jacobite uprising under Prince Charlie. It can be surmised that a fair proportion of the Cumberland army brought back were European mercenaries. After Culloden, garrisons were set up and according to my source those in and around the Black Isle were Swiss mercenaries from the shores of Lac Leman (Lake Geneva). Marrying locally they adopted the name McLeman. Sounds a bit far fetched but try finding a McLeman anywhere born before 1746. Comment left on 05 April 2008 at 10:39 by Malcolm McLeman
I can only quote what was given to me in the late '50s by a Sydney (Aus)harbour pilot who had changed his name from Mc to MacLeman.
Prior to 1745/46, Cumberland was campaigning in Europe and was ordered to return and quelle the Jacobite uprising under Prince Charlie. It can be surmised that a fair proportion of the Cumberland army brought back were European mercenaries. After Culloden, garrisons were set up and according to my source those in and around the Black Isle were Swiss mercenaries from the shores of Lac Leman (Lake Geneva). Marrying locally they adopted the name McLeman. Sounds a bit far fetched but try finding a McLeman anywhere born before 1746. Comment left on 05 April 2008 at 10:39 by Malcolm McLeman
My late Uncle Davie (the boy sitting on the table in the photo) used to say that the McLemans were French. I thought he was teasing and sadly, now he's gone, I can't ask where he had heard that information.
Margaret Tong Comment left on 05 April 2008 at 17:08 by Margaret Tong
Margaret Tong Comment left on 05 April 2008 at 17:08 by Margaret Tong
I have had two replies from my input above and one gives an Avoch McLeman going back to 1720 which disproves the "Butcher" Cumberland connection, thank goodness!
The other does say that the above branch of the family and our earliest (at the moment) known ancestor came as fishermen to the Black Isle from Ireland and his predecessors from Lac Leman in Switzerland/France to Ireland.
My question now is how did they, if it is true, get from land locked Lac Leman to Ireland? Comment left on 06 April 2008 at 11:17 by Malcolm McLeman
The other does say that the above branch of the family and our earliest (at the moment) known ancestor came as fishermen to the Black Isle from Ireland and his predecessors from Lac Leman in Switzerland/France to Ireland.
My question now is how did they, if it is true, get from land locked Lac Leman to Ireland? Comment left on 06 April 2008 at 11:17 by Malcolm McLeman
I have this from an old family tree:
MacLeman: a sept of clan Lamond/Lamont
Clan Lamond - MacLemans of Cromarty
Harald the Black - Norse Viking Leader
Father of Godred Crovan - 1st King of Man and the Western Isles - died on Islay, circa 1095 AD
3 sons:
Laghmand: King of Man and Western Isles for Seven Years
founder of Clan Lamond/Lamont, whose names are also recorded as Macklaweman, MacClommon, MacLaiman, MacClemmen, MacClymons, MacLeman, etc.
In Old Norse, the GH is silent, the name means Lawman, Laghman died on pilgrimage in Jerusalem.
Harold: Led unsuccesful revolt against Laghmand.
Olave: King of Man and Western Isles for 40 years.
The Clan held large tracts of land in Argyll and Bute, but fell victims to Campbell Prosecution - in 1661, the Marquess of Argyll was charged by the crown with a "savage massacre of over 200 Lamonds", for which Argyll was executed. Comment left on 06 April 2008 at 20:08 by Ian Roberts
MacLeman: a sept of clan Lamond/Lamont
Clan Lamond - MacLemans of Cromarty
Harald the Black - Norse Viking Leader
Father of Godred Crovan - 1st King of Man and the Western Isles - died on Islay, circa 1095 AD
3 sons:
Laghmand: King of Man and Western Isles for Seven Years
founder of Clan Lamond/Lamont, whose names are also recorded as Macklaweman, MacClommon, MacLaiman, MacClemmen, MacClymons, MacLeman, etc.
In Old Norse, the GH is silent, the name means Lawman, Laghman died on pilgrimage in Jerusalem.
Harold: Led unsuccesful revolt against Laghmand.
Olave: King of Man and Western Isles for 40 years.
The Clan held large tracts of land in Argyll and Bute, but fell victims to Campbell Prosecution - in 1661, the Marquess of Argyll was charged by the crown with a "savage massacre of over 200 Lamonds", for which Argyll was executed. Comment left on 06 April 2008 at 20:08 by Ian Roberts
Hi Malcom
Have you tried www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk it is a government site which has copied all the old church and census records and you can get copies of the ones relating to your family. The first record of the name McLeman is a birth of Donald McLeman 25/03/1739 Avoch. That's official.
I am still interested in the French / Swiss connection.
I will be in Fortrose for a week from the 3rd of May. If any McLemans are around we could meet up.
Kind regards
John Comment left on 07 April 2008 at 08:25 by John
Have you tried www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk it is a government site which has copied all the old church and census records and you can get copies of the ones relating to your family. The first record of the name McLeman is a birth of Donald McLeman 25/03/1739 Avoch. That's official.
I am still interested in the French / Swiss connection.
I will be in Fortrose for a week from the 3rd of May. If any McLemans are around we could meet up.
Kind regards
John Comment left on 07 April 2008 at 08:25 by John
For the record there was an Agnes McLeman married Alexander? Could be Jack on May 31st 1718? see www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk
Comment left on 07 April 2008 at 09:04 by John
The earliest record I have of MCleman (as against MACleman) in Ross and Cromarty is in Easter Logie, 16 feb 1687. Father was John MCleman. I see a MAClem. in Glasgow in 1704. Wonder if there is any connection? Another variation in spelling is Margrat MAClemman, Christened in Nigg, 9 sep. 1733. Father William MAClemman.
My wife is a MACleman, while others in her family are MCleman. It all seemed to depend on the registrar at the time. Comment left on 07 April 2008 at 21:05 by IAN JACK
My wife is a MACleman, while others in her family are MCleman. It all seemed to depend on the registrar at the time. Comment left on 07 April 2008 at 21:05 by IAN JACK
Hi Garve, a correction to my spelling of the easter Ross 1687 entry. It was spelled MC Cleman, not MCleman.
Ian Comment left on 08 April 2008 at 18:45 by IAN JACK
Ian Comment left on 08 April 2008 at 18:45 by IAN JACK
hi John, Agnes Mcleman married an Alexander Hosack in Cromarty 31 May 1718. The first family of that marriage appears to be David. Christened Cromarty 31 July 1720. Mother Agnes Mc. There is also an entry. Alex. Hosack. Agnes Mclennan son John. Christened. 2 May 1702.??.
Comment left on 09 April 2008 at 15:02 by IAN JACK
I don't know the people in the picture, but my mother's maiden name was Geddie and I believe that the Geddies built the schooner Dispatch at Garmouth, Moray, at Speymouth, which was their home.
I have a bit of history on the Dispatch, and know she was owned by the McLeman family of Avoch. I believe there is a painting of her somewhere and also possibly a model. I have visited her remains on the banks of the severn, and I attach a photo of what's left (I'm the good looking one in the jacket) and a couple of photos of her in the 1930s.
Do you know anythign you could add to this fascinating story?
Please reply if you do. Comment left on 01 February 2009 at 12:30 by John Alister Geddie Wallen
I have a bit of history on the Dispatch, and know she was owned by the McLeman family of Avoch. I believe there is a painting of her somewhere and also possibly a model. I have visited her remains on the banks of the severn, and I attach a photo of what's left (I'm the good looking one in the jacket) and a couple of photos of her in the 1930s.
Do you know anythign you could add to this fascinating story?
Please reply if you do. Comment left on 01 February 2009 at 12:30 by John Alister Geddie Wallen
What about the 'Leman' family from the Banff area. They might be connected to the McLemans?
Comment left on 05 August 2009 at 18:52 by John
The Swiss went all over the place as mercenary soldiers so coming from there would not be that improbable.
Comment left on 06 August 2009 at 03:05 by Marg Mackisack
The 'Leman' name appears on the scotlandspeople records as far back as 1610 which would pre-date the Swiss connection theory. Does anyone actually have any written information about the Swiss connection?
Comment left on 06 August 2009 at 10:08 by John
I have no written information about this, but only a childhood memory of my late Uncle Davie (The boy in the photograph) mentioning a Swiss connection, or a French connection. I always thought he was teasing us. I do believe people looking for Mcleman (Macleman) roots should look at records in Avoch.
Comment left on 07 August 2009 at 06:08 by Margaret Tong
I will also add that this site is a photographic archive of the local area and people and is not an archive of historical documents that can be researched. I enjoy that people can be connected (and reconnected) on this site, but that's pure luck, most of the time.
The Scottish Records Office is the place to look for info on ancestors. I apologise, but i'm a retired, very boring, archivist! Comment left on 07 August 2009 at 06:15 by Margaret Tong
The Scottish Records Office is the place to look for info on ancestors. I apologise, but i'm a retired, very boring, archivist! Comment left on 07 August 2009 at 06:15 by Margaret Tong
Hi Margaret
I don't suppose you know anything about a family called Shobbrook who worked on the Rosehaugh estate. The head of the house was the coachman and his son died in WW1 and is on the memorial in Avoch. Comment left on 07 August 2009 at 11:18 by John
I don't suppose you know anything about a family called Shobbrook who worked on the Rosehaugh estate. The head of the house was the coachman and his son died in WW1 and is on the memorial in Avoch. Comment left on 07 August 2009 at 11:18 by John
Sorry, John, I can't help! I've lived in California for over thirty years and only spent my school holidays in Cromarty.
Perhaps a local family can help! Comment left on 07 August 2009 at 15:47 by Margaret Tong
Perhaps a local family can help! Comment left on 07 August 2009 at 15:47 by Margaret Tong
I always took the French connection with a pinch of salt and felt a bit uncomfortable in the thought that my ancestors fought on the side of Butcher Cumberland. As a victom of Viking axe hand brought to light by French surgeon Baron Dupuytren in the 19th century I'll opt for Lamond and descendency from Harald the Black.
Comment left on 08 August 2009 at 06:40 by Malcolm McLeman
As you say Malcolm the French connection looks unlikely but I think we need to trace the family name back a bit at a time. We only have official records going back to 1720. The name suddenly appears on record at that time so what was it just before that? My guess is the Lemans who lived not very far away. They could also be connected to the Lamonds, but we need to get some reliable information. Looking at the Leman name I found a gap where they seemed to have just stopped, then the name started again.
Comment left on 08 August 2009 at 12:09 by John
This is intriguing and I am happy to retract my statement about public records. I found this website:www.mcleman.com/ and also a Wilkipedia reference:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9man.
Comment left on 08 August 2009 at 21:59 by Margaret Tong
Comment left on 08 August 2009 at 21:59 by Margaret Tong
Yes I have seen that site, but again I like to try to get official documents to verify the authenticity of information on the net. The site run by the government with actaul records I use is www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk it is great to see the old church records going back to 1538. The churches were the registras in those days. The charges are nominal. You should give it a try.
Comment left on 09 August 2009 at 16:31 by John
Thanks, John, but I'm not researching McLeman family records! I simply posted this photo that used to hang on Granny's bedroom wall, or at least a larger version did! I'm astonished at the interest in the McLeman family it has generated.
Comment left on 09 August 2009 at 17:17 by Margaret Tong
Hi Everyone,
We have been tracing back the McLemon Family Tree, which goes back via a name change in a Marriage between George McLemon and Margaret Lindsay. Tracing back George, his birth register it quotes McLeman. We believe this to be true as he only signed his name with an 'X' when he got married. This traced us back to Donald McLeman and Catherine Patience being married in 1835. Donald son of Alexander & Elizabeth Skinner who were married in 1801 in Elgin parish - so for Malcolm McLeman, the Margaret you speak of must have been a brother to Donald. However if you look at the Marriage certificate for Alexander and Elizabeth it quote 'Mac'..... so I think the records and who is writing them can miss or change a few letters.
We have now came to a dead end on the birth register of Alexander, who we believe was born 1774 to James MacLeman and Jean Hosack. Before this we can not find any trace. Any info would be great - as we are pulling this together for my father-in-laws 70th birthday in Sept. Comment left on 16 August 2009 at 16:13 by Lorraine
We have been tracing back the McLemon Family Tree, which goes back via a name change in a Marriage between George McLemon and Margaret Lindsay. Tracing back George, his birth register it quotes McLeman. We believe this to be true as he only signed his name with an 'X' when he got married. This traced us back to Donald McLeman and Catherine Patience being married in 1835. Donald son of Alexander & Elizabeth Skinner who were married in 1801 in Elgin parish - so for Malcolm McLeman, the Margaret you speak of must have been a brother to Donald. However if you look at the Marriage certificate for Alexander and Elizabeth it quote 'Mac'..... so I think the records and who is writing them can miss or change a few letters.
We have now came to a dead end on the birth register of Alexander, who we believe was born 1774 to James MacLeman and Jean Hosack. Before this we can not find any trace. Any info would be great - as we are pulling this together for my father-in-laws 70th birthday in Sept. Comment left on 16 August 2009 at 16:13 by Lorraine
Lorraine, please email me at [email protected]. I'd like to share info.
I also descend from Alexander MacLeman and Elizabeth Skinner, through their son Hugh MacLeman b. 1808 Cromarty, who married Ann Skinner b. 1809 Cromarty, daughter of John Skinner and Janet Hossack.
Comment left on 17 August 2009 at 11:26 by Ian Roberts
I also descend from Alexander MacLeman and Elizabeth Skinner, through their son Hugh MacLeman b. 1808 Cromarty, who married Ann Skinner b. 1809 Cromarty, daughter of John Skinner and Janet Hossack.
Comment left on 17 August 2009 at 11:26 by Ian Roberts
Mam - Peggy, would have been 95 on August 16. That wee lassie in the photo. Happy Birthday, Mam!
Comment left on 18 August 2009 at 08:46 by Margaret Tong
My name is Ann Duggan and I'm from Queensland Australia. I am not sure if I am related to any of you. My Grandfather was William MacLeman (spelled McLeman on his birth certificate and parents' wedding certificate). He was born in Avoch in 1895. His parents were Donald McLeman fisherman of James street Avoch son of William McLeman and Catherine nee Patience and Margaret Jack of Shore street Avoch whose parents were Simon Jack and Isabella nee Patience. The house my grandfather was born in was 47 Henrietta street Avoch but I don't know if his parents lived there or if it was where Margaret's relations lived as there were Jacks living there in the 1881 census.
Grandad's mother died about 10 days after he was born and he was raised by his Granny. He had two older sisters Bella and Maggie and I think his half siblings after his father remarried included Annie and Louis.
I have found pictures of my Grandmother Jean Jack's parents grave on the Ross and Cromarty Gravestones website( David Jack and Ann nee Cowie) and would dearly love to find ones of Donald and Margaret, Grandad's parents, but so far have been unable to do so.
My Grandparents migrated to Australia in the early 1920's so my family research has depended on stories they told me of Avoch, past letters from relatives and help from a cousin on my Nan's side. Sorry to have such a long post but I'm really keen to find more detail for the family tree I'm attempting. Comment left on 19 August 2009 at 11:07 by Ann Duggan
Grandad's mother died about 10 days after he was born and he was raised by his Granny. He had two older sisters Bella and Maggie and I think his half siblings after his father remarried included Annie and Louis.
I have found pictures of my Grandmother Jean Jack's parents grave on the Ross and Cromarty Gravestones website( David Jack and Ann nee Cowie) and would dearly love to find ones of Donald and Margaret, Grandad's parents, but so far have been unable to do so.
My Grandparents migrated to Australia in the early 1920's so my family research has depended on stories they told me of Avoch, past letters from relatives and help from a cousin on my Nan's side. Sorry to have such a long post but I'm really keen to find more detail for the family tree I'm attempting. Comment left on 19 August 2009 at 11:07 by Ann Duggan
I've just started learning about my background and so far have traced it back to my great-great-great Grandfather being Rev. Robert Smith. I'm hoping to travel to Cromarty this summer and am hoping for suggestions on where to go while I'm there to find out more. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate the information. Bettina Vange (nee. Wyld)
Comment left on 03 December 2009 at 16:03 by Bettina Vange
I highly recommend Scotland's People website to anyone wanting to trace past family in Scotland. Since I posted here in August I have found all the records for the people I was looking for and many more at very reasonable cost.
I haven't found a Cromary link as everyone has come from Avoch or Banffshire back to about 1730 but I've really enjoyed reading about Cromarty in my research. Best Regards to all. Comment left on 04 December 2009 at 12:46 by Ann Duggan
I haven't found a Cromary link as everyone has come from Avoch or Banffshire back to about 1730 but I've really enjoyed reading about Cromarty in my research. Best Regards to all. Comment left on 04 December 2009 at 12:46 by Ann Duggan
Yes Ann scotlandspeople.com is the best site. I think all the Avoch McLemans are related if you go back to around 1720. The earliest record on scotlandspeople is a David, 1/6/1702 from Nigg. I wonder if we are bred off the Leman family over the Firth around Banff and Aberdeen
Comment left on 06 December 2009 at 16:10 by John McLeman
Hi John. Yes all my McLemans and Jacks were from Avoch right back as far as I could get so I agree we must be all somehow distant cousins somewhere along the track. I don't know about the Lemans around Banff but my grandma's Cowie side were all from Banff as were her Morrison and Farquhar relations.
Comment left on 07 December 2009 at 22:54 by Ann Duggan
Ann Have you been into avoch.org. under people-maclemans you might find something of interest. The top of that family tree is where we all link up. The Cromarty site may be of interest too.
Comment left on 08 December 2009 at 11:30 by John McLeman
Hi John. Yes I have read that information -it is an excellent website. My Alexander married Christian Jack in 1821 and they were both clever enough to die in 1855 the year for full details so I have all the information on their parents. Alexander's parents were William McLeman 'Willoch' born 1756 (father William) and Margaret McLimon born 1765 (father Donald) both born Avoch. I have been able to check this against all his brothers and sisters.
No doubt there is a relationship somewhere there but the avoch.org site doesn't seem to show it. Comment left on 09 December 2009 at 22:58 by Ann Duggan
No doubt there is a relationship somewhere there but the avoch.org site doesn't seem to show it. Comment left on 09 December 2009 at 22:58 by Ann Duggan
Hi Ann, My relative was Alexander Mcleman born 1772. His father was called William who we think married Elizabeth Skinner in 1771. We think William's father was Alexander born around 1720 but I have only seen records up to Alexander 1772.
Comment left on 10 December 2009 at 09:14 by John McLeman
Hi John, are your MacLemans from Avoch? I'm from the Cromarty branch, but I have been busy on other sides of my tree, so I haven't looked at this branch for ages.
I have an Alexander b. 1774 Cromarty who married an Elizabeth Skinner, but I have no idea how accurate that is.
Who did your Alexander b. 1772 marry? Comment left on 14 December 2009 at 00:38 by Ian Roberts
I have an Alexander b. 1774 Cromarty who married an Elizabeth Skinner, but I have no idea how accurate that is.
Who did your Alexander b. 1772 marry? Comment left on 14 December 2009 at 00:38 by Ian Roberts
Hi John and Ian, I thought I'd pass on something I accidentally discovered that makes a big difference to those researching people born Avoch in the late 1700's. On Scotland's People I clicked on backwards several times in my attempts to find the marriage of Margaret McLeman to William McLeman. A page came up that said 'This register is blank with the exception of a single entry from Sep 1784 to 1787.' The next page announced the appointment of Mr James Smith to the parish as minister. This means all baptisms or marriages within that time frame in Avoch are unlikely to ever be found. Very frustrating but at least it avoids fruitless searching if we know that.
Comment left on 14 December 2009 at 22:13 by Ann Duggan
Hi Ian. My Gt-Gt-Grandfather Donald McLeman Born 1810 Dec Baptized 2nd Jan 1811 had parents called Alexander & Elizabeth McLeman, according to the church records on scotland's people. The only marriage I could find was Alexander & Elizabeth MacLeman in 1801 at Cromarty. I assumed that they were the parents on the church baptism records called McLeman. They had another son Alexander b1815, would he be one of your relatives?
Comment left on 15 December 2009 at 13:17 by John McLeman
Hi John, yes the names you mention all match with my records and info.
I have that your Donald born December 29, 1810 Cromarty died in 1883 in Jemimaville.
And he married Catherine Patience or MacLeman?? (daughter of William MacLeman and Margaret Patience).
I haven't double-checked my info here with records, so if it is incorrect, please let me know.
Yes I have that Donald b. 1810 had a brother Alexander b. 1815. I have born June 5, 1815 Cromarty, died 1874 Cromarty, married Catherine Skinner, d/o John Skinner and Janet Hossack.
Catherine's sister Ann Skinner b. 1809 married Alexander and Donald's brother Hugh MacLeman born May 30, 1808 Cromarty. My line comes down from Hugh MacLeman and Ann Skinner...
Comment left on 17 December 2009 at 06:32 by Ian Roberts
I have that your Donald born December 29, 1810 Cromarty died in 1883 in Jemimaville.
And he married Catherine Patience or MacLeman?? (daughter of William MacLeman and Margaret Patience).
I haven't double-checked my info here with records, so if it is incorrect, please let me know.
Yes I have that Donald b. 1810 had a brother Alexander b. 1815. I have born June 5, 1815 Cromarty, died 1874 Cromarty, married Catherine Skinner, d/o John Skinner and Janet Hossack.
Catherine's sister Ann Skinner b. 1809 married Alexander and Donald's brother Hugh MacLeman born May 30, 1808 Cromarty. My line comes down from Hugh MacLeman and Ann Skinner...
Comment left on 17 December 2009 at 06:32 by Ian Roberts
Hi Ian, The children of Alexander & Elizabeth Margaret 1802, Donald 1810, Margaret1813 and Alexander 1815 are all in the church records and registered as McLeman. The Mac must have been added by someone down the line. The Donald 1810 is my Gt.Gt.Grandfather. I have no record of the death, were did you get that information? By the way where are you based?
Comment left on 17 December 2009 at 09:32 by John McLeman
Hi John, with regards to Mac/Mc - that's just a stylistic thing - I could have put Mc all the way through my records, but I put Mac....
The 1883 death for Donald in Jemimaville comes from the research of a relative, but I have no idea where he got the information. This info was given to me long before I was interested in genealogy, so I didn't check it out too much. Sorry I can't tell you more than that...
My branch is now living in Canada. It was my great-grandmother (Isabella MacLeman Finlayson b. 1906) - my mother's mother's mother - who left Cromarty to come to Toronto around 1928.
Isabella's mother was a MacLeman. --Isabella MacLeman (1866-1954), d/o John MacLeman (1835-1893) and Isabella Watson (1838-1935). John, son of Hugh MacLeman b. 1808. Comment left on 17 December 2009 at 10:38 by Ian Roberts
The 1883 death for Donald in Jemimaville comes from the research of a relative, but I have no idea where he got the information. This info was given to me long before I was interested in genealogy, so I didn't check it out too much. Sorry I can't tell you more than that...
My branch is now living in Canada. It was my great-grandmother (Isabella MacLeman Finlayson b. 1906) - my mother's mother's mother - who left Cromarty to come to Toronto around 1928.
Isabella's mother was a MacLeman. --Isabella MacLeman (1866-1954), d/o John MacLeman (1835-1893) and Isabella Watson (1838-1935). John, son of Hugh MacLeman b. 1808. Comment left on 17 December 2009 at 10:38 by Ian Roberts
I wrote in to the archive a while back asking if anyone knew my great grand father Captain David Mcleman, his son David was also a Captain and ended up being harbour master at Methil.
Does anyone have any information? Comment left on 17 December 2009 at 10:43 by Mark Henderson
Does anyone have any information? Comment left on 17 December 2009 at 10:43 by Mark Henderson
Hi Ian
I have found the death cert. it seems to be saying he drowned, do you have any info. Yes he did get married to Catherine in 1835 there sixth child was called Donald b1855 my Gt. Grandfather Comment left on 17 December 2009 at 13:00 by John McLeman
I have found the death cert. it seems to be saying he drowned, do you have any info. Yes he did get married to Catherine in 1835 there sixth child was called Donald b1855 my Gt. Grandfather Comment left on 17 December 2009 at 13:00 by John McLeman
We are keen to get an Avoch Image Library going - see www.theavocharchive.org. Feel free to submit photos, and if anyone would like to help with the administration, please let us know.
Comment left on 18 December 2009 at 14:30 by Garve Scott-Lodge
John, no I did not know that your Donald drowned. Thanks for that info. I will add it to my records....I just had the year (1883) and the place (Jemimaville) for the death, and that's it.
I did have some other MacLeman relatives who drowned, however. My 3rd great-grandfather John b. 1835 - his brother William (1843-1897) and William's son William (1877-1897), both drowned at Seabank, Cromarty. Who did your great-grandfather Donald b. 1855 marry?
Mark, could you give me some dates regards your David MacLemans and I can see if I have them in my info. I likely will if they are from Cromarty, probably not if they are from Avoch though. Comment left on 18 December 2009 at 21:12 by Ian Roberts
I did have some other MacLeman relatives who drowned, however. My 3rd great-grandfather John b. 1835 - his brother William (1843-1897) and William's son William (1877-1897), both drowned at Seabank, Cromarty. Who did your great-grandfather Donald b. 1855 marry?
Mark, could you give me some dates regards your David MacLemans and I can see if I have them in my info. I likely will if they are from Cromarty, probably not if they are from Avoch though. Comment left on 18 December 2009 at 21:12 by Ian Roberts
The familly house was just jards from the light-house. As for dates i will have to guess, but i would say from the late 1800s up to early 1900s. Jean was last to stay in the house i refer to, it was a big 4 or 5 level house, i was very young but sure my recollections of cromerty are correct. If this info is no good i will dig deep. Best regards and thanks.
Comment left on 18 December 2009 at 22:06 by Mark Henderson
It's difficult to read but I think it says he drowned between Jemimaville and Udale bay. Donald married Jane McIntosh in 1883. Their son John drowned in Sydney.
Do you live on the Black Isle? Comment left on 18 December 2009 at 22:32 by John McLeman
It's difficult to read but I think it says he drowned between Jemimaville and Udale bay. Donald married Jane McIntosh in 1883. Their son John drowned in Sydney.
Do you live on the Black Isle? Comment left on 18 December 2009 at 22:32 by John McLeman
Hi all. I am really thrilled to hear about the Avoch Archive starting. Thank you very much those involved in this project. I have emailed my second cousin Davina in Fraserburgh who I'm sure will spread the word among family members with old photos. I will add some as soon as I've worked out how to do it - that's where IT trained sons are handy. Best wishes to you all for a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
Comment left on 18 December 2009 at 22:38 by Ann Duggan
Hi John, no my branch came to Toronto, Ontario, Canada in the 1920s.
Where's Sydney? Which Sydney are you referring to?
And Mark, I think your grandfather is David born 1917 Cromarty to David Manson MacLeman and Robina "Ena" Watson.
Please contact me by email (click on the link at my name) for more info. I tried your email, but it bounces. Comment left on 19 December 2009 at 19:18 by Ian Roberts
Where's Sydney? Which Sydney are you referring to?
And Mark, I think your grandfather is David born 1917 Cromarty to David Manson MacLeman and Robina "Ena" Watson.
Please contact me by email (click on the link at my name) for more info. I tried your email, but it bounces. Comment left on 19 December 2009 at 19:18 by Ian Roberts
Hi John, I noticed you said your Donald McLeman married in 1835, Donald McLeman b 1810 was married in 1837 and registered Avoch and Cromarty. There was another Donald McLeman who married Catherine Patience in 1835, Avoch, who had quite a few children. Donald m 1837, s/o Alexander McLeman and Elizabeth Skinner only had one daughter b 1839 Cromarty. I hope this may help as I'm not sure which Donald died Jemmimaville.
Comment left on 20 December 2009 at 01:17 by Margaret Tong
My Grandparents, Ena and David MacLeman are in the photo above, which I originally posted. Their son, David is in the photo. Uncle David (Davie) never married and had no children.
He lived his retirement years in Buckie, with his sister, Margaret Cowie (Peggy), also shown in the photo, and her husband, Alex Cowie. Davie is buried in Buckie. I can confirm date of death when I find the info. Comment left on 20 December 2009 at 20:47 by Margaret Tong
He lived his retirement years in Buckie, with his sister, Margaret Cowie (Peggy), also shown in the photo, and her husband, Alex Cowie. Davie is buried in Buckie. I can confirm date of death when I find the info. Comment left on 20 December 2009 at 20:47 by Margaret Tong
Hi Ian, my Donald b 1810 did marry Catherine P. in 1835 and had 6 children that I know of, their son Donald b1855 is my Gt.Granddad. I don't think the drowned man was my relative, on the d.cert it said he was 76, my Donald would have been 73,
Comment left on 21 December 2009 at 09:14 by John McLeman
Well, I guess if the David MacLeman b. 1917 Cromarty, son of David MacLeman and Robina Watson, never married, then he can't be Mark Henderson's grandfather. Thanks for that correction....
Comment left on 22 December 2009 at 01:02 by Ian Roberts
Comment left on 22 December 2009 at 01:02 by Ian Roberts
Just to let you know, I DID NOT make this comment ascribed to me (see below) .... computer glitch I guess... but the comment has useful info....I guess there were two Donald MacLemans that are being mixed up.
Hi John, I noticed you said your Donald McLeman married in 1835, Donald McLeman b 1810 was married in 1837 and registered Avoch and Cromarty. There was another Donald McLeman who married Catherine Patience in 1835 Comment left on 22 December 2009 at 01:06 by Ian Roberts
Hi John, I noticed you said your Donald McLeman married in 1835, Donald McLeman b 1810 was married in 1837 and registered Avoch and Cromarty. There was another Donald McLeman who married Catherine Patience in 1835 Comment left on 22 December 2009 at 01:06 by Ian Roberts
According to scotlandspeople there was only one Donald McLeman born in 1810 on (29th Dec 1810) and baptized 2nd Jan 1811. Father Alexander, Mother Elizabeth. Who went on to marry Cath. P. in 1835 as I said above.
Comment left on 22 December 2009 at 13:35 by John McLeman
Can the moderator tell us who made the comment on the 20th Dec which Ian Roberts said he did not make?
It was Margaret Tong, and I've corrected it above, cheers, Garve Comment left on 22 December 2009 at 21:42 by John McLeman
It was Margaret Tong, and I've corrected it above, cheers, Garve Comment left on 22 December 2009 at 21:42 by John McLeman
There are records in the Old Parish Registers that are not indexed on the ScotlandsPeople website, I have a scan of a page with my great-great grandfather's birth record which was not findable by searching for his name (and the record before him was not indexed either). So just because ScotlandsPeople doesn't have it doesn't mean it's not in the baptism records if you actually look at them.
Comment left on 23 December 2009 at 19:13 by Margaret Mackisack
Mark, I think your Maclemans came from Avoch and your great grandfather lived in James Street. I can remember a girl called "Vina" who used to come up from Methil to visit her grandparents during the summer holidays away back in the forties/early fifties and I think this would be your mother. You should put some info on the new Avoch Archive website and maybe somebody will be able to give you more details.
Comment left on 23 December 2009 at 21:33 by Grace Mackenzie
Hi. Margaret Mackisack has a good point. I had an email reply to a query from Scotland's People. They explained that some of the OPR's were in poor condition over the years with bits of paper with entries on them stuck in between pages. It would be possible I think that some of them fell apart or were lost before Scotland's People got to index them. Also although the website is wonderful I did find some unusual indexing that even wildcard or soundex was unlikely to pick up.
Human error is always possible as anyone who has strained their eyes through a magnifying glass at the OPR's will agree. Comment left on 25 December 2009 at 21:56 by Ann Duggan
Human error is always possible as anyone who has strained their eyes through a magnifying glass at the OPR's will agree. Comment left on 25 December 2009 at 21:56 by Ann Duggan
Hi Margaret M. Did your Donald B1810 marry Catherine Patience in 1837?
Comment left on 26 December 2009 at 09:29 by John McLeman
Thank you very very much Grace, that was my mum!!!!!!!! Best Regards, Mark
Comment left on 27 December 2009 at 22:14 by Mark Henderson
Hi John and Ian. I had a quick look among my downloads from Scotland's People and I noticed that there are two separate identical index records for marriages between Donald McLeman and Catharine Patience one in Avoch and one in Cromarty both on 27/10/1837. Only difference is the GROS data numbers. I also found the index of the birth or baptism of Donald parents Alexander McLeman and Elizabeth Skinner in Cromarty on 02/01/1811. The only Donald McLeman birth that showed in the indexes for Avoch between 1810 and 1811 was 16/07/1811 parents Donald MacLeman and Janet Reid. I didn't look at the actual images of any of them as I was too stingy to spend credits. lol
Just to confuse matters further my William McLeman born 1822 also married a Catherine Patience in 1846 and had a Donald in 1858 who was my Great Grandfather.
There was certainly no shortage of Patiences and McLemans in Avoch or Cromarty.
Hope you all had a great Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Comment left on 27 December 2009 at 22:59 by Ann Duggan
Just to confuse matters further my William McLeman born 1822 also married a Catherine Patience in 1846 and had a Donald in 1858 who was my Great Grandfather.
There was certainly no shortage of Patiences and McLemans in Avoch or Cromarty.
Hope you all had a great Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Comment left on 27 December 2009 at 22:59 by Ann Duggan
Hi John. Sorry I forgot to mention I also found your Donald McLeman/Catharine Patience wedding in 1835 in Avoch when I was researching my Patiences.
I noticed Catherine's father was a George. The Catherine Patience who married my Great Great Grandfather William McLeman was the daughter of Lewis and Helen Patience but I have so many Patience relatives on both the Jack and McLeman sides I'm sure we would be related through them. Comment left on 28 December 2009 at 08:36 by Ann Duggan
I noticed Catherine's father was a George. The Catherine Patience who married my Great Great Grandfather William McLeman was the daughter of Lewis and Helen Patience but I have so many Patience relatives on both the Jack and McLeman sides I'm sure we would be related through them. Comment left on 28 December 2009 at 08:36 by Ann Duggan
Very sorry. I was wrong. The two 27/10/1837 marriages were between Donald McLeman and Catharine McLeman- not Patience. Sorry to confuse things further.
Comment left on 28 December 2009 at 21:06 by Ann Duggan
My grand-niece Victoria McLeman has encountered a Patience who may live in Northumberland. The McLemans, Patiences and Jacks through location and marriage seem very much entwined but this new source maintains, "we were thrown out of France". I wonder at the possibility of Hugenot origin.
Comment left on 29 December 2009 at 03:35 by Malcolm McLeman
My grandfather, John MacLeman, was a ship's carpenter in Cromarty. He married Christine Finlayson, who would let the local fishermen come into her parlor and have a drink at the end of their day. That house is now a museum in Cromarty. I have my grandfather's pocket watch from the Masons with the name McLennon engraved on it. They moved to Brooklyn at the turn of the 19th century and my grandfather became a shipbuilder in the Navy ship yard in Brooklyn.
My Aunt Jessie corresponds with the Hoggs in Cromarty and with an Alexander Patience, a retired Methodist minister in California. Aunt Jessie will be 100 in August. Comment left on 20 March 2010 at 22:20 by John Alexander MacLeman
My Aunt Jessie corresponds with the Hoggs in Cromarty and with an Alexander Patience, a retired Methodist minister in California. Aunt Jessie will be 100 in August. Comment left on 20 March 2010 at 22:20 by John Alexander MacLeman
It is wonderful to see the interest in the Macleman family from all around the globe.
My Macleman family derives from Donald Macleman and Janet Reid's son Donald born 1811 in Avoch. The address of the family was Rose Cottage. Donald's son George (mother Isabella Patience) moved to Lanarkshire and married in Blantyre (1876). I am following up a family story that an uncle, possibly a David Macleman who was a sea captain, who was wrecked off the coast of New Zealand and returned to regale the Family of tales of NZ - whereupon they moved there. David was last known to be in Samoa.
Does anyone have any information about him, or about the Avoch Maclemans of this line?
I have uploaded a picture of George and Annie Macleman's children to the Avoch site. Comment left on 29 April 2010 at 08:50 by Helen Lamont-Wood
My Macleman family derives from Donald Macleman and Janet Reid's son Donald born 1811 in Avoch. The address of the family was Rose Cottage. Donald's son George (mother Isabella Patience) moved to Lanarkshire and married in Blantyre (1876). I am following up a family story that an uncle, possibly a David Macleman who was a sea captain, who was wrecked off the coast of New Zealand and returned to regale the Family of tales of NZ - whereupon they moved there. David was last known to be in Samoa.
Does anyone have any information about him, or about the Avoch Maclemans of this line?
I have uploaded a picture of George and Annie Macleman's children to the Avoch site. Comment left on 29 April 2010 at 08:50 by Helen Lamont-Wood
Hi Helen, I am the Ann Duggan who posts on the Avoch Archive site. I have left you a message there too. I am very happy to give you copies of any records I have on the Avoch McLemans. I have quite a few. I live in Deception Bay Australia and you are welcome to visit me if you are ever in the area. Best Regards, Ann
Comment left on 29 April 2010 at 23:23 by Ann Duggan
Hi Helen. I posted earlier this morning here and on the Avoch Archive under the impression you lived in Australia. If you live in the UK please disregard what I said about visiting me so I can give you any records that might be of your branch of the family. You must think I'm quite weird.lol. Not that you aren't welcome if you ever do come to Australia.
Comment left on 30 April 2010 at 00:27 by Ann Duggan
I have often wondered if the Mc/Mac in Mc/Macleman comes from the Gaelic mac, meaning son of. I don't have any Gaelic I'm afraid, but it could be a prefix as in Mac Grigor or son of Gregor, son of Leman, etc etc.
Comment left on 30 April 2010 at 13:08 by Ian Jack
Well now that we have a very large involved group , has anyone given any thought to having a followup to our last Mcleman Reunion? The first one put on in Inverness by my brothers Donnie, Ian and Dan and I, in 1999 which was a great sucess and I think we should give it some thought. The more people involved the better. I am in Canada and heading to Stornoway next week for three months.
Comment left on 30 April 2010 at 16:13 by Jim McLeman
Hiya I am Malcolm Mcleman's great niece Victoria. I was at college in Northumberland when a lady said "is your name Mcleman" and that she was a Patience and that our families were protestant and got kicked out of France by the catholics - not sure if this is true. Oh and hiya uncle Malcolm XX
Comment left on 25 July 2010 at 18:18 by Victoria Mcleman
Would anyone like to check out a new Mcleman site? www.spanglefish.com/themclemans If you do please leave your name and where your from in the Guestbook.
Comment left on 26 July 2010 at 06:47 by John McLennan (McLeman-Ducklie)
My family tree goes back to JOHN McLEMAN who married AGNES GRANT in Cromarty in 1710. i am obviously interested to see how far back the main family tree goes if anyone has any info please email me on [email protected] I currently live in Great Yarmouth but my family for many generations have originated from Fraserburgh.
Comment left on 26 July 2010 at 22:08 by MICHAEL McLEMAN
Hi Michael
According to Scotlandspeople there was a John McLeman married and Agnes Grant in 1702 this is the earliest record of the McLeman name on system. Have you got a family tree drawn up. If you have we can put it on the McLemans site if you like. See two comments up.
John McLennan (McLeman) living in Norfolk Comment left on 27 July 2010 at 10:20 by John McLennan (McLeman-Ducklie)
According to Scotlandspeople there was a John McLeman married and Agnes Grant in 1702 this is the earliest record of the McLeman name on system. Have you got a family tree drawn up. If you have we can put it on the McLemans site if you like. See two comments up.
John McLennan (McLeman) living in Norfolk Comment left on 27 July 2010 at 10:20 by John McLennan (McLeman-Ducklie)
The earliest I have so far is a daughter born to John Mc cleman on the 16 feb 1687 at Logie Easter.
I also found a Margaret MCLEM, born to John Mclem and Christian Mcfarlan 10 Mar 1763 in Glasgow, I wonder if there is any connection to the Mc/Maclemans name. Just a thought as there are so many different ways of spelling Mcleman. Comment left on 28 July 2010 at 13:28 by Ian Jack
I also found a Margaret MCLEM, born to John Mclem and Christian Mcfarlan 10 Mar 1763 in Glasgow, I wonder if there is any connection to the Mc/Maclemans name. Just a thought as there are so many different ways of spelling Mcleman. Comment left on 28 July 2010 at 13:28 by Ian Jack
Ian. Thanks for the 1687 find, I had missed that one. I had seen the 1763 one. Logie looks like crofter country. Do you think he may have been 'cleared' and went to the fishing?
Comment left on 30 July 2010 at 07:37 by John McLennan (McLeman-Ducklie)
Logie Easter is on the Nigg side of the firth, its bounderies were; East: Nigg; North east: Fearn; North: Tain; West :Edderton;.
Wester Logie was situated on the banks of the Conon but was united to the parish of Ferintosh. It is bordered by Avoch, Fodderty, Killearnan, Knockbain, Resolis and Urray. Comment left on 30 July 2010 at 15:37 by Ian Jack
Wester Logie was situated on the banks of the Conon but was united to the parish of Ferintosh. It is bordered by Avoch, Fodderty, Killearnan, Knockbain, Resolis and Urray. Comment left on 30 July 2010 at 15:37 by Ian Jack
Hi John and Ian. Just for interest on Scotland's People I found a James McLewman born to Andrew McLewman and Marion McCarger 18 Sep 1659 in Straiton Ayr. It only needs the w to be left out to become McLeman and I'd imagine spoken it would sound fairly similar.
Comment left on 30 July 2010 at 23:45 by Ann Duggan
Ann, In doing research for my grandmothers family (Jack) in Avoch, we share an ancestor.
My Great grandmother (Catherine Jack) was the daughter of John and Catherine Jack (married 1865)
John Jack died 1899 and his wife Catherine is the Catherine listed in the 1901 census living (age 60 and living on poor relief) with Donald Mclennan and his new wife in 1901 census at 47 Henrietta St.
John and Catherine Jack had a huge family - as well as my great granny (Catherine - born 1873) their other daughter Margaret (born 1822) married a Donald Mclennan (but as you say Margaret died 10 days after giving birth to William Mclennan in 1895).
That makes my grandmother (also called Catherine) and born in 1905 a cousin of your grandfather (William). Comment left on 14 September 2010 at 18:59 by Cathy Allen
My Great grandmother (Catherine Jack) was the daughter of John and Catherine Jack (married 1865)
John Jack died 1899 and his wife Catherine is the Catherine listed in the 1901 census living (age 60 and living on poor relief) with Donald Mclennan and his new wife in 1901 census at 47 Henrietta St.
John and Catherine Jack had a huge family - as well as my great granny (Catherine - born 1873) their other daughter Margaret (born 1822) married a Donald Mclennan (but as you say Margaret died 10 days after giving birth to William Mclennan in 1895).
That makes my grandmother (also called Catherine) and born in 1905 a cousin of your grandfather (William). Comment left on 14 September 2010 at 18:59 by Cathy Allen
Hi Cathy. I have the record of John and Catherine Jack living at 47 Henrietta Street in 1881 but that 5 yr old Margaret Jack who is their daughter is not my Grandad's Mum. I have all the records for marriages, births, census etc and my Great Grandmother Margaret Jack was born in 1867 to Simon Jack and Isabella (nee Patience). Donald was the son of William McLeman and Catherine (nee Patience. There were quite a few Donald McLemans living in Avoch and also quite a few Margaret Jacks.
My Donald and Margaret had Margaret and Isabella before my Grandad was born then Donald married Annie Jack daughter of Donald Jack and Margaret (nee Patience) who was Margaret's cousin a year after Margaret died and had two more children Lewis Alexander and Ann. Margaret and Isabella lived with Donald and Annie and the new babies while my Grandad remained with Simon and Isabella his grandparents and was raised by them to adulthood. I have no doubt John Jack and Catharine would have been related but their daughter Margaret was 8yrs younger than my Great Grandmother.
Incidently the only Catherine McLemans I could find on Scotland's People born in 1905 in Avoch were Catherine born 24 April to Donald McLeman and Catherine(nee Skinner) who were married in 1902 in Tain and Catherine born 31 July to Alexander McLeman and Margaret (nee McIntosh) married 1891 Avoch. There were also McLennan families in Avoch but I don't know if they had a Catherine in 1905.
I am sure we are related in some way though as I've yet to find an Avoch person I'm not related to if you go back far enough. All the best. Ann. Comment left on 15 September 2010 at 11:48 by Ann Duggan
My Donald and Margaret had Margaret and Isabella before my Grandad was born then Donald married Annie Jack daughter of Donald Jack and Margaret (nee Patience) who was Margaret's cousin a year after Margaret died and had two more children Lewis Alexander and Ann. Margaret and Isabella lived with Donald and Annie and the new babies while my Grandad remained with Simon and Isabella his grandparents and was raised by them to adulthood. I have no doubt John Jack and Catharine would have been related but their daughter Margaret was 8yrs younger than my Great Grandmother.
Incidently the only Catherine McLemans I could find on Scotland's People born in 1905 in Avoch were Catherine born 24 April to Donald McLeman and Catherine(nee Skinner) who were married in 1902 in Tain and Catherine born 31 July to Alexander McLeman and Margaret (nee McIntosh) married 1891 Avoch. There were also McLennan families in Avoch but I don't know if they had a Catherine in 1905.
I am sure we are related in some way though as I've yet to find an Avoch person I'm not related to if you go back far enough. All the best. Ann. Comment left on 15 September 2010 at 11:48 by Ann Duggan
I had a friend called Robert Mackenzie who died young I know his mother was called Margaret (PATIENCE) and father Donald Mackenzie and the family lived in Dock Cottage before moving to Alness around about 1930 aprox. I know Robert had a brother Louis who also died. Robert was a very good friend and I would like to trace any family that might be left . I'd welcome any suggestions.
Comment left on 29 October 2010 at 17:56 by MairJeffery
To Mark Henderson - My Granny and Granda were in Coastguard Station no 2 (I think) Jean and David Ritchie, my Mum being Margaret Murray Ritchie....who married the fabulous old so and so (my Dad) James Mackenzie Scott (who died in 2008). I recall stories of David McLeman and the MBE. Have sent you a private email to discuss. Granny Ritchie's brother John Leitch McLeman died at Sea and his grave is in Avoch cemetary along with David McLemans....found a link....scottishwargraves (cannot post the link here) scroll down and you'll see a pic of his grave stone and text regarding his parents David and Margaret.
Comment left on 16 November 2010 at 21:23 by Jane Scott
Perhaps it's not necessary, but, for clarification, the David MacLeman Jane Scott mentions is not the David MacLeman in this photograph. The David in the photograph is buried in Buckie.
Comment left on 17 November 2010 at 09:50 by Margaret Tong
Margaret do you post on the Buckie heritage site. Notice that your own name was Cowie and that you came from Buckie. My cousin Ann and I are researching the cowies from Buckie have you any information on them Our Cowies go back to Wm Cowie who married Janet Farquhar in 1837 down to Alexander Cowie who married Jane Morrison to Annie Cowie (my Grandmother) who married my Grandfather David Jack from Avoch in 1898.
Comment left on 21 May 2011 at 00:11 by Davina Tait
Hi, Davina.
I dinna think I can be of any help to you with Buckie Cowies. I've lived out of Buckie for over 40 years. Cowie is probably the most common surname there.
The Buckie Heritage has just started, or is about to start, a family history centre and I'm sure the guys there, John Crawford and David Fowler will be able to help you. Comment left on 22 May 2011 at 22:01 by Margaret Tong
I dinna think I can be of any help to you with Buckie Cowies. I've lived out of Buckie for over 40 years. Cowie is probably the most common surname there.
The Buckie Heritage has just started, or is about to start, a family history centre and I'm sure the guys there, John Crawford and David Fowler will be able to help you. Comment left on 22 May 2011 at 22:01 by Margaret Tong
Hi Margaret,
I'm originally fae Cullen but I bide in the Broch noo. I've been up in Elgin and posted on the heritage site have come to a complete stop with my Grannies folk. My Granda is fae Avoch and I got him weel back. Like you I went to Buckie High. Thanks for answering though. Comment left on 22 May 2011 at 22:17 by Davina Tait
I'm originally fae Cullen but I bide in the Broch noo. I've been up in Elgin and posted on the heritage site have come to a complete stop with my Grannies folk. My Granda is fae Avoch and I got him weel back. Like you I went to Buckie High. Thanks for answering though. Comment left on 22 May 2011 at 22:17 by Davina Tait
Hello, I married Neil James Mc Leman in 1974,his father was James Clark Mc Leman, his brother: Alex Mc Leman. They originated in Avoch. I would love to find out a little more.Johannesburg Bedfordview.
Comment left on 12 January 2012 at 15:40 by Maureen Mc Leman
Hi Maureen. My branch of the McLemans can be found on www.spanglefish.com/themclemans. You can also find out lots on www.scotlandspeople.gov
Comment left on 13 January 2012 at 21:39 by John
Hi all. I first posted here in August 2009 looking for my McLeman (MacLeman) ancestors. I have since found them going back to the 1700's in Avoch but finally today found I do have a Cromarty connection.
My Gt Gt Gt Grandparents were Alexander McLeman and Christian Jack from Avoch. Both died in their mid 50's in 1855 and I never found until today what happened to the two youngest daughters Christian(Christina) and Ann who were only 14 and 11 when the parents died. They seemed to disappear from the census records.
Today I found the death record of Christina who died at Seabank, Cromarty 11th April 1923 aged 82. She had been a domestic servant and never married and the witness on her death record was her nephew George McLeman of 10 James street Avoch. In 1881 she was living as a boarder at dwelling 4 Big Vennel with John Skinner aged 44 a fishcurer, his wife Christina aged 43 and their four children Christina, John, George and Margaret Ann.
In 1911 she was living as an 'old age pensioner' next door to John Skinner aged 30 and his wife Mary aged 28 and their two children Andrew 6 and Grace 2 months. The address is between 49 and 52 Seabank. Everyone in the street around her in 1911 is a Watson or Skinner. If there is anyone who knows how any of these families would be connected to the Avoch McLemans I would be very interested to know.
I also have never found any trace of her little sister Ann. Strangely Ann was down as 'son Donald' aged 7 on the 1851 census but there was no birth record for a Donald or mention of a Donald on the death records which being 1855 had all the childrens' names and ages. Also I found a birth record for Ann in Dec 1844 although she was not baptised till 1854 - this was I think because of children of dissenters not being originally permitted into the Parish records. If anyone knows what happened to Ann aged 11 in 1855 I would be very grateful. Best Regards
Ann Comment left on 24 February 2012 at 08:46 by Ann Duggan
My Gt Gt Gt Grandparents were Alexander McLeman and Christian Jack from Avoch. Both died in their mid 50's in 1855 and I never found until today what happened to the two youngest daughters Christian(Christina) and Ann who were only 14 and 11 when the parents died. They seemed to disappear from the census records.
Today I found the death record of Christina who died at Seabank, Cromarty 11th April 1923 aged 82. She had been a domestic servant and never married and the witness on her death record was her nephew George McLeman of 10 James street Avoch. In 1881 she was living as a boarder at dwelling 4 Big Vennel with John Skinner aged 44 a fishcurer, his wife Christina aged 43 and their four children Christina, John, George and Margaret Ann.
In 1911 she was living as an 'old age pensioner' next door to John Skinner aged 30 and his wife Mary aged 28 and their two children Andrew 6 and Grace 2 months. The address is between 49 and 52 Seabank. Everyone in the street around her in 1911 is a Watson or Skinner. If there is anyone who knows how any of these families would be connected to the Avoch McLemans I would be very interested to know.
I also have never found any trace of her little sister Ann. Strangely Ann was down as 'son Donald' aged 7 on the 1851 census but there was no birth record for a Donald or mention of a Donald on the death records which being 1855 had all the childrens' names and ages. Also I found a birth record for Ann in Dec 1844 although she was not baptised till 1854 - this was I think because of children of dissenters not being originally permitted into the Parish records. If anyone knows what happened to Ann aged 11 in 1855 I would be very grateful. Best Regards
Ann Comment left on 24 February 2012 at 08:46 by Ann Duggan
Hi Ann. Have just read your post, and picked up on your reference to John and Mary Skinner at Seabank Cromarty. They were my Grandparents, and Grace was my Mother. My Mother (1911-2009) always had a warm affection for Seabank and very often referred to "Uncle Sandy" (Alexander Skinner) and "Aunt Tina" (possibly your Christina). Uncle Sandy was a direct relative and I always presumed that Aunt Tina was as well, but this was obviously an affectionate term only. The only connection I can find with the Skinners of Cromarty and Avoch is that John Skinner my Great-Grandfather x3 married a Janet Hossack and their son Alexander (born 1806)married Nancy Mackintosh (born 1807)of Avoch in Nov 1825. As you say the names Skinner, Hossack and Watson are everywhere, and the records will show that it was quite common (for whatever reason) to change the name. This post will not help much in your quest for information, but it might be of some interest. Regards Alex
Comment left on 25 February 2012 at 22:18 by Alex Grant
Hi Alex. Thank you so much for that information. I have a feeling that back in the early 1700's the Avoch and Cromarty McLemans were probably the one family but the scarcity of official records back then makes that impossible to trace. The same is perhaps true of the Skinners as there are a lot in Avoch also. I will contact you by email if that is OK and send you a copy of that 1911 census that has your family in it. Best Regards
Ann. Comment left on 26 February 2012 at 09:44 by Ann Duggan
Ann. Comment left on 26 February 2012 at 09:44 by Ann Duggan
I thought I would update on the Avoch Cromarty relationship I found for Christina McLeman. It seems that Christina's Aunt Janet Jack from Avoch married Robert Hogg from Cromarty in 1827. In the 1861 census Christina was living in Cromarty with Gilbert Hogg and his wife Ann at 39 Shore street. Gilbert was the son of Christina's Aunt Janet Jack and Robert Hogg. Christina must have come to Cromarty soon after both her parents died in 1855. Jan Watson was kind enough to send me this census.
Comment left on 17 October 2012 at 09:58 by Ann Duggan
My name is Philip Butz, I lived at 3 Barkly Street in Cromarty and moved to Canada in 1957. I am looking for school friends to visit while I am in Scotland. I will be traveling to Scotland early May and would love to talk to some of the town folk who I used to know way back when. I was speaking with Linda Couper last year but have since lost her email address. Can anyone help me find Linda Couper?
Comment left on 27 March 2013 at 18:49 by Phil Butz
My Great Great Great Grandparents William and Catherine Matheson nee McKenzie born and died in Fodderty. (He b.1783-d.1876 Pyramid Cottage George Street. She 1786 and died before 1876.
He a Burg(Policeman) and Court Sheriffs Officer.
A Granddaughter my Great Grandmother Charlotte Wade nee Matheson lived in Resolis before immigrating to New Zealand.
Died Konini Taraua New Zealand Comment left on 21 September 2013 at 03:32 by Barry Billington
He a Burg(Policeman) and Court Sheriffs Officer.
A Granddaughter my Great Grandmother Charlotte Wade nee Matheson lived in Resolis before immigrating to New Zealand.
Died Konini Taraua New Zealand Comment left on 21 September 2013 at 03:32 by Barry Billington
Has anyone got a copy of the marriage documents for John McLeman Born 1775 and Janet Patience born 1776? They married around 1796.
Comment left on 06 November 2013 at 12:44 by John McLennan (McLeman)
Could Alexander McLeman who married Janet Gow 16/5/1737 be Alexander LEMAN born 12/6/1715?
Could John McLeman who married Agnes Grant in 30/10/1702 be John LEMAN born 3/12/1683 Comment left on 31 October 2017 at 10:07 by John McLennan
Could John McLeman who married Agnes Grant in 30/10/1702 be John LEMAN born 3/12/1683 Comment left on 31 October 2017 at 10:07 by John McLennan
David Mcleman is my great grandfather his daughter Christina (Anne) who passed away in 2013 is my grandmother. Thank you for sharing this photo.
Regards Karen Maclellan. Comment left on 28 January 2018 at 18:20 by Karen
David Mcleman is my great grandfather his daughter Christina (Anne) who passed away in 2013 is my grandmother. Thank you for sharing this photo.
Regards Karen Maclellan. Comment left on 28 January 2018 at 18:20 by Karen
Hi folks I just came across all this, so interesting, my maiden name was Norma McLeman, my dad was Norman McLeman
Marrried to Annie Ettles, my grandad’s first wife died young, I never knew their first names, my dad was one of 7, Robert, Cyril Jack, William Nora, Florence I think.
I would love to know more about my family McLeman.
I have 2sister live in Elgin, Robert’s daughter lives in Aberdeen
I was born 1947. Comment left on 02 October 2022 by Mrs Norma Bloice ( nee McLeman)
Marrried to Annie Ettles, my grandad’s first wife died young, I never knew their first names, my dad was one of 7, Robert, Cyril Jack, William Nora, Florence I think.
I would love to know more about my family McLeman.
I have 2sister live in Elgin, Robert’s daughter lives in Aberdeen
I was born 1947. Comment left on 02 October 2022 by Mrs Norma Bloice ( nee McLeman)
Hi Norma, The best way to trace your family back is scotlandspeople.gov It is a Government site and has records going back to the 1500s.
Kind regards
John McLennan (McLeman) Comment left on 05 October 2022 by John McLennan
Kind regards
John McLennan (McLeman) Comment left on 05 October 2022 by John McLennan
Norma I have found the marriage certificate of your parents. It gives their parents names. They were married at Fordyce beside Portsoy in 1942. Using this information it would be easy to trace your ancestors. The site does not allow me to post the record on here. Are you on facebook.
Comment left on 19 October 2022 by Davina Tait
I am on Facebook and messenger. It has a picture of a dog not my face Comment left on 24 October 2022 by Norma Bloice (McLeman)
I am on Facebook and messenger. It has a picture of a dog not my face Comment left on 24 October 2022 by Norma Bloice (McLeman)
I have a John McLeman B 1680 married to Agnes Grant B 1689 . They had two children 1) William no info
2)Donald B 1720 married Ann McLeman B 1721 and had 2 children
1) William married Jane Noble 2) Ann McLeman.
The above Ann is not shown as married but had one child Donald D McLeman B 1747-1843. This Donald D McLeman married Janet Noble B 1769-1850. Hope this helps. Jim Comment left on 24 October 2022 by Jim McLeman (Calgary) Canada.
2)Donald B 1720 married Ann McLeman B 1721 and had 2 children
1) William married Jane Noble 2) Ann McLeman.
The above Ann is not shown as married but had one child Donald D McLeman B 1747-1843. This Donald D McLeman married Janet Noble B 1769-1850. Hope this helps. Jim Comment left on 24 October 2022 by Jim McLeman (Calgary) Canada.
Norma Bloice I will look for your facebook page and send you the records. Should make it easier for you to go further back on Scotlands People.
Comment left on 26 October 2022 by Davina Tait
Fabulous thanks
Comment left on 27 October 2022 by Norma Bloice (McLeman)
Norma Bloice I have sent you a message on facebook. Can you check please. Davina
Comment left on 27 October 2022 by Davina Tait
I had forgotten I'd posted this photo.
Interesting to see the interest it has generated.
I don't think the folk in the photo have any connection to the families mentioned.
I think Karen McLellan, who posted in January 2018. thinks that the David McLeman, the boy on the table, is her great grandfather. That is my late Uncle Davie. He never married and had no children.
Comment left on 28 October 2022 by Margaret Tong
Interesting to see the interest it has generated.
I don't think the folk in the photo have any connection to the families mentioned.
I think Karen McLellan, who posted in January 2018. thinks that the David McLeman, the boy on the table, is her great grandfather. That is my late Uncle Davie. He never married and had no children.
Comment left on 28 October 2022 by Margaret Tong
Hi Margaret, David Manson McLeman was cousin to my grandmother, Catherine Hossack. Robina Watson was her third cousin.
Comment left on 30 October 2022 by Andrew Bathie
Robert McLeman & auntie Nellie lived in Aberdeen, they had one daughter Christine who married GlenThomson , I have lost touch with them.
Comment left on 30 October 2022 by Norma Bloice (McLeman)
Thank you for that information, Andrew. An interesting family connection and useful to those researching their family tree here.
Comment left on 30 October 2022 by Margaret Tong
Can anyone tell me if Andrew Bathie is still involved with researching the MacLeman family ancestors? He provided me with a mass of information about the lineage of my late father-in-law David Manson Watson MacLeman way back in December 2005. It goes back to 1702. My father-in-law was astounded when he saw the huge number of his ancestors.
There are Hossacks, Watsons, Mansons and Finlaysons in the tree.
Without Andrew Bathie, my two sons would not have known so much about their Papa's family stretching back more than three centuries. Now there is another branch of MacLemans in my wife's family hoping they might get similar access to their antecedents through Mr Bathie. Comment left on 02 December 2023 at 22:38 by Robert Melvin
There are Hossacks, Watsons, Mansons and Finlaysons in the tree.
Without Andrew Bathie, my two sons would not have known so much about their Papa's family stretching back more than three centuries. Now there is another branch of MacLemans in my wife's family hoping they might get similar access to their antecedents through Mr Bathie. Comment left on 02 December 2023 at 22:38 by Robert Melvin
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