Schoolchildren - c1953
Sent from Australia by John MacDonald - can you put names to the faces or pin down the year?
Some of the faces in this early Cromarty school pic are.. Douglas Kelly, John Macdonald, Linda Brewster, Raymond Maclean, Donald Macintosh, Douglas Cooper... and many more... Anyone still in Cromarty recognise themselves in this group shot?
Comment left on 04 February 2003 by John Macdonald
I see myself 5th from the right in the front row. I think Ruth Newell is next to me. That picture must be two classes as Kenneth Macaulay was a year ahead of me. I think Heather Hossack is third from the left and John Watson is third from the right in the middle row.
Comment left on 30 March 2003 by Hazel Clark (Thomson)
Middle row, fifth from left is Kenneth John Macfarlane (Ian). In the front row, second from the left is his twin sister Christine Macfarlane known to her family as Teen.
Comment left on 24 May 2003 by Moira Liddle
Back row 3rd from rt is Roger Walters. Mid row from left pos. George McPhee, Eric McIvor, "Ginga" McPhee, Ronald Cooper, ?, Raymond McLean?, John MacDonald, ?, ?, Thomas McBean?, John Watson, myself, Ken Macaulay, Front row 5th from left Margaret Hogg?, ?, Helen Watson?, Ruth Newell, Hazel Thompson, Pauline Gilmour, Violet Jack, ?, ?. Probably have everyone wrong!!
Comment left on 28 November 2003 by Dennis Manson
Dennis ..I am back Row 5th from the left ....In dead centre middle row is Janet Ewen's brother ..Could be wrong but think his first name was John Ewen ? I think also that is Harry Kynarzack ..back row ..4th from the right ...Jane Ritchie ..could be front row 6th from the left ..also Linda Brewster 4th from the left
..Donald Macintosh ..middle row 5th from right Comment left on 30 November 2003 by John Macdonald
..Donald Macintosh ..middle row 5th from right Comment left on 30 November 2003 by John Macdonald
The more I look at this photo the more I think I am seated 2nd form the end on the right of the front row next to Vi Jack. I don't have a copy of this photo but am told by my mother I had a scowl on my face! I attended Cromarty School about 1951/52 not sure for how long.
Comment left on 07 April 2004 at 20:46 by Catherine Penman nee Hossack
Arnold Eastwood - top row, second from right
Comment left on 08 April 2004 at 12:09 by Marianne Eastwood (wife)
This is probably Miss McKenzie's primaries 1 and 2, photographed in early summer, towards the end of the 1952-1953 school year, with a few early starters for the1953-54 primary 1( the class that is pictured several years later in No. 74 [1957] ). I think that the girl on the right end of the front row is Jeanette McPhee and the girl two places from her could be her sister Doreen.l
Comment left on 18 January 2005 at 23:30 by Christopher Hart
The girl on the extreme left of the front row is Doreen Bassindale.
Comment left on 09 February 2005 at 15:45 by Freda Bassindale
Front row 6th from left is Janie Ritchie's older sister Margaret.
Comment left on 03 July 2005 at 20:40 by Dorothy Ewen
I think my dad, Bill Reid, is 3rd from the left on the back row.
Comment left on 13 September 2006 at 16:19 by Mandy Williamson, Nee Reid
I'm second from the right in the front row
Comment left on 29 November 2006 at 05:25 by Cathleen (Robertson) Sutherland
Is that Alister Dunnett 5th from right in the back row?
Comment left on 08 December 2006 at 20:44 by Anon
thats not Alister, he was only born in 1953, we were in the same class in school.
Comment left on 29 December 2006 at 20:24 by Sue Florence
Third from left back row is Patrick Grant, "scouie" to his mates. He lived in a house on the Denny.
Comment left on 21 March 2009 at 10:02 by Davie Jones
Thanks Davie ..yes I remember Patrick
Comment left on 22 March 2009 at 06:30 by John Macdonald
1st on the right front row is my Sister Helen Bremner friend of Helen Watson and Margaret Hogg. Helen has lived in Windsor, Ontario, Canada since 1970 and visits Cromarty annually.
Comment left on 18 November 2010 at 17:20 by James A Bremner
Comment left on 18 November 2010 at 17:20 by James A Bremner
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