John Gilles & Soda - 1984
John Gilles was the postman in town for many years. He had two terriers, one black and one white, called Whisky and Soda.
Albums: People
Good photo of John and whisky sadly departed. If I'm right just to the left off this photo is the home of Corrie. The porch had a great view of the Sutors and Nigg Bay. Who needs to go abroad with scenery like that? CROMARTY is the one place that I will always love, no wonder we have sayings like "You can take the girl out of CROMARTY but You can't take CROMARTY out of the girl." There's no place like home amongst old friends, mostly relations.
Comment left on 05 May 2008 at 14:57 by Dorothy Shephepherd
John Gilles was an amazing man. As the Postman he sometimes seemed detached and aloof ... but every Gala Week this astoundingly zany (years before it's time in terms of humour) gorilla used to turn up on the park - chasing women and playing innocently with kids - no-one could prove it was John ... but everyone knew it was. On top of that, he had the best plum tree in the town! He used to chase us from it ... but (deliberately I think) never catch us!
Comment left on 01 August 2010 at 17:29 by Will Nicolson
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