Cromarty Archive

Sutor Creek Opening

Sutor Creek Opening

Date Added: 31 May 2004 Contributor: David Newman Year: 2004 Picture No: 806

Opening night of Sutor Creek, the town's new restaurant on Friday 28th May 2004.
The food was absolutely delicious (thank you Dawn) and the service was really excellent. All at Plexus Media wish the resturant the very best of luck for the future. Well done everyone!

Albums: Events


Nice to see it's true locals at the opening - is there a Crom in sight?? Comment left on 26 August 2005 at 14:56 by Anon
I can count around a century worth of years of living in Cromarty in the picture, not including Caroline who I'd think is as much a Crom as anyone. I think the anonymous commenter is being a bit unfair. Comment left on 27 August 2005 at 19:10 by Garve Scott-Lodge
sorry garve but i think you r mistaken from looking at the piture we can see caroline the only crom in the photo. as per usal the its not the type of place you would expect to see locals in and is much more sutted to the incomers. so people my self included just wish it was the old cromarty and not the one now adays where the in comers take over and try to give our true croms a bad name . Comment left on 28 August 2005 at 22:16 by Anon
(irony) Yes, but look on the bright side. If all of the incomers eat in a restaurant started and run by incomers, then *real* croms won't have to put up with them eating in the same places as they do. Good result all round, don't you think? (/irony) Comment left on 29 August 2005 at 18:12 by Colin
Well if the anonymous poster is a 'true Crom', I think he/she is doing a very good job of giving 'true Croms' a bad name him/herself.

I hope people on this site realise that this attitude is not particularly representative of a lot of people in Cromarty (and the rest of Scotland) these days.
Comment left on 30 August 2005 at 14:28 by Kirsten Fleetwood
I fully support what you said, Kirsten. I was really disapointed to read the post about a "them and us" attitude. The Croms I know are the friendliest, most welcoming people.
To Anon - you are a cowardly Crom - if indeed you are a Crom at all - to post such a nasty comment and not have the guts to identify yourself.
Comment left on 30 August 2005 at 16:53 by Margaret Tong
This is a local shop for local people. There's nothing for you here. What's going on? What all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here!

Welcome to Royston Vasey. You'll never leave!
Comment left on 31 August 2005 at 10:14 by Edward and Tubbs
One of the very best things about this town is the way that it easily accepts people into the community. Despite the fact that in the middle of the last century there was a general decline in the numbers living in the town, we have seen a steady increase over the last thirty years or so. This has, just as in the past, been partly due to new people moving into the area. We should really count ourselves lucky that the town is seen by many as such a desirable place to live. The steady increase in numbers has helped revive the town in a number of ways including; many new businesses, high primary school role, good childcare facilities, incredible number of clubs/societies, superb new harbour facilities as well as almost all the old buildings within the town now rebuilt or renovated. In addition, there are many new projects either in the planning stage or already under way. all of which continue to add to the facilities and general welfare of the towns' inhabitants. In general, I believe this shows a town evolving in a very effective way and as such, it involves everybody working together for the common good. Citizenship, for that is what this argument is really all about, is about being part of a community and not about where someone was born. So... at a time when so many towns and cities are struggling with all manner of problems, we should celebrate the fact that this town is constantly moving forward and that this is driven almost entirely by local citizens of all ages and all walks of life working together positively for the common good. Comment left on 31 August 2005 at 12:13 by A Cromarty resident of (you fill in the number) years
For goodness sake it's only a photo . I don't think there is any need for all of this. The two anon messages are the opinions of people who live in the town and are very welcome to have their say just like Margeret and Kkirsten, and quite frankly I agree with both of them and Colin. I am very proud of being a Crom and don't see why you can't put what you think on this website because as it says it is the opinion of the person writing it and not the whole community. Cromarty is a really nice place and we are only speaking our minds like individuals - it's nothing personal about these people. I just think they come to this village with their ways of doing things and want to change the old fashioned ways of the village. which I think if we went to their old villages towns citys whatever would not be to try to chage things so why in Cromarty. THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION AND ALLOW I AM SURE MANY PEOPLE WILL AGREE ITS NOT ONE OF THE WHOLE VILLAGE {JUST TO MAKE IT CEAR} Comment left on 31 August 2005 at 23:34 by ANON
What a positive post, citizen of Cromarty! Right on! Anon Crom maybe needs a good pakeen!
Also good to see a fellow fan of " The league of gentlemen"
Comment left on 01 September 2005 at 04:04 by Margaret Tong
Maybe I am just thick but could anybody tell me what 'pakeen' means - I have seen it on Margaret's comment but do not know what it means. Comment left on 02 September 2005 at 11:06 by Anon
A 'pakeen' is a tradiitional Cromarty spanking, often more threatened than administered! A sclafert is a clout on the lug, if I remember correctly. Clem will know, i'm sure. I do miss my Cromarty Granny for all these old words. Comment left on 02 September 2005 at 18:13 by Margaret Tong
pakeen means a good sclafert round the lug. Comment left on 02 September 2005 at 20:14 by Ian Jack
'pakeen' is an old Cromarty word for spanking - probably more oftern threatened tha administered. A 'sclafert' is a clout on the lug.
Comment left on 03 September 2005 at 07:38 by Margaret Tong
Here I am checking to see what is happening in Cromarty and low an behold an arguement in PROGRESS !! I love to see all the wonderful pictures and comments made by various people some I know and some I dont .No matter where you end up in this world you make it your home and as I left the area some my goodness 37 years ago this year( did not relise it was that long ) and now live in Littleport Cambridge-shire I am the Scottish girl and known by most of what Locals we have here but Im still an Incomer to them after 37 years of living here. So yes looking at the PICTURE in Question I only recognise Caroline as I went to school with her But Cromarty would not be the same if there was not some Gossip or other going on So Ill keep looking and reading these wonderfull pages as it makes me laugh to here such comments been made ITS CALLED PROGRESS but just the mineority of people in this world cannot accept change!!!!!!!!! Comment left on 03 September 2005 at 13:57 by HAZEL PENDLE (NEE MACLEAN)
I didn't mean to repeat myself - i thought my orginal comment did not get through!
Hiya Ian!
Comment left on 03 September 2005 at 17:39 by Margaret Tong
hi margaret, you are absolutely right, a pakeen is a sclafert at the other end of the anatomy. anyway, whichever end gets it, and whatever it is called, it is still sair. Comment left on 04 September 2005 at 10:12 by Ian Jack
Ii agree with the original comment. Tthere may be one Crom in sight but where is the mix of people? Why weren't the younger generation invited? After all it is us who is going to keep the land of Crom alive. Comment left on 27 October 2005 at 15:17 by ANON
The opening night was open to all - NOT by invitation only. The 'younger generation' you speak of could have gone had they chosen to do so. Clearly they weren't interested. Comment left on 27 October 2005 at 16:09 by Colin
How great one photo can cause such a stooshie! Luckily for us, who run the restaurant, lots of Croms come into eat and take away our wood fired pizzas. Without everybody's support we would not be able to exist. I personally think that its what you are like not where you come from that makes somebody interesting and to be respected. Anon's views border on racism to me. It's the kind of message you would expect to read in the Deep South of America about black people in the 60s. Comment left on 07 November 2005 at 17:31 by Don Coutts
ha ha typical cromarty. two sides battling it out passionatly for what they believe in. there is truth in both sides but i would have to say that there wasnt enough of what is known as the 'true crom'. suter creek should have thought to invite a range of croms rather than open invite Comment left on 21 November 2005 at 11:35 by Tipper
Oh, puleeeeease. So when the Londis and Post Office reopen under new management they'll have to issue special invites to ensure that 'true Croms' will shop there, rather than just untrue Croms? And what is a 'true Crom' anyway? I've lived here for 40 years - do I qualify? But, hang on, I've eaten at the Sutor Creek. Does that mean I'm not a true Crom anymore? Shazbat! Comment left on 29 November 2005 at 09:31 by Colin
99% of people in Cromarty have absolutely no problems with any other people in the village. It's an incredible place to live in and be brought up. I've never known anywhere else to be so open and friendly to other people. I hope the arguments over this photo don't dilute this fact in any way. Although Rosefarm obviously is the coolest place to live. Comment left on 29 November 2005 at 22:05 by Greig
Hilarious. Could we arrange a DNA testing for True Crom staus. Lets have a tick list of what personality traits and physical attributes a "true crom" has. Maybe we could have photos of a typical "true crom" up in the Post office window to give those of us stupid enough not to recognise them a chance for handing out the invites next time. Comment left on 29 November 2005 at 23:03 by Don Coutts
This string raises some really intersting issues for me. I have resisted making any comment so far, but Don's last good humoured point raises the issue of my Cromarty provenance. My Mother Jessie Reid and her family (Dan, Margaret and Martha) are undeniably from a long line of "true croms"; I can trace the line back over 200 years. My Mother married an Englishman so I was not born in the town, but I was baptised in the East Church by David Alston's Father in 1953. We came to Cromarty at least once a year until the late seventies. From there I was remiss and missed a few years but kept in touch with the occasional visit to Margaret and Dan. In 1999 we bought the house on Braehead from Aunt Margaret and I am there, usually with friends or family, at least every month if only for a few days and I always make a point of visisting Sutor Creek, it's a great asset and I feel bound to support the co-operative. Perhaps I should consider myself a "distant resident". There is no doubt Cromarty is in in my blood line and DNA. As for my personality traits and physical attributes, they are for all the great folk in Crom to judge, but I hope I qualify for one of Don's invitations come what may! In the future I would like to make much more of a contribution to the town than I do today, as a community the people of Cromarty, old and new, punch well above their weight and long may it continue. Comment left on 30 November 2005 at 11:41 by Arthur Bird
Thanks Arthur. Comedy aside there are obviously a huge number of issues when a town or area in a rural setting is "fooded"by incomers. This has happened all round the world. Communities change and grow. Soemtimes for the best and sometimes for the worst. There is obviously a problem when one part of a community feels under threat to another. The asnwer i suppose is to keep channels of communication open. To have a Community Council that really listens and keeps up with the thoughts and feelings of their patch. To try and find ways where people meet each other and talk about what they feel. Cromarty is never going to be the way it was for all sorts of complex reasons. If it was to stay the way it was I suspect it would not survive the cold winds of commerce and 21st living. When I return to the village, in Inverness-shire where I was brought up, I am always struck by my own feelings of wanting it all to be as it was in the 1950s but also marvelling at the new hall and co-operative shop, new pottery, tea room and community woodland. It's a mystery. Comment left on 30 November 2005 at 14:30 by Don Coutts
Don, of course you are absolutely right and I should have made the point that Sutor Creek is but one of a number of commercial assets which Cromarty has at its call. It's also fair to say, as you suggest, that without the benefits of change, largely through North Sea oil and the transport and development infrastructure which followed as a result, Cromarty would have continued to decline as the derelict town it was in the 1960's which some will remember only too well, to the the extent that today there would be no Cromarty, it would certainly not have survived the pressures of the 21st century. We are in violent agreement here. Your point about the Community Council is also well made and one with which I wholeheartedly agree, it is good for people to talk and you are correct to point out the community issues which underpin the mail string here. Comment left on 30 November 2005 at 15:33 by Arthur Bird
Very interesting dialogue. I think that Anon is quite young, well younger than me. I will agree with him that some "incomers" and "ferry loupers" in Orkney tend to be a bit vociferous and can become overbearing but the answer lies with him. Don't moan, do something like countering their arguments, and compromise. Nothing stays the same, and believe me the Eastern end of the Black Isle was in serious decline up until the Kessock Bridge was built. I know as we had to leave Rosemarkie in 1961 because we couldn't make a decent living so I am delighted to see a resurgence of fortunes in a fantastic part of Scotland, to which I return to at least once a year. Comment left on 27 December 2005 at 17:20 by John Corall
Just found this. I think this was the second night as Caz use to work Sats. Also the the first night had a lot of bikers from the rally and a contingent of haemotologists and obstetricians from Ayrshire in - some of whom were sitting where Dave would have taken the photo from. The reason I remember is cos one of the bikers 'borrowed' Fraser's bike and I had to leg it up Bank Street to repo it. The doctors were appalled that order in the town had degenerated so markedly since last time they visited (which they did concede was on business rather than for pleasure). Fraser asked me to fling the bike in the harbour for safekeepng. Cromness. I've lived here for nearly six years, which is longer than anywhere else I've ever lived in my forty years, so if people ask me, I'm a Crom. If that gives 'true' Croms a bad name that I'll say I'm from Avoch next time I'm asked.
Changing things. Go look in the mirror to see how things change - and seldom for the better. It was a wee ex-butcher's shop. Now it's a wee restaurant. Folk come, hing aboot a bit, then go away again, much like anywhere else.
Comment left on 27 January 2006 at 15:40 by Den
it may be a wee restaurant but its got a big personality a great atmosphere fantastic character and brilliant food. I'm a true CROM born and bred and I was there this evening for a scrumptios meal and I can asure you that I'll be going back for more. To all at Sutors Creek, keep up the good work and I wish you the best of success. Comment left on 27 January 2006 at 21:37 by Ronald Young
Being a crom is a lifestyle choice, (see croms on tour photos!). I know a few 'Honorary croms'. Maybe the people in the picture are tourists? Cromartys businesses in general benefit from the tourists in summertime and make their money then. Also, I can see the back of Dons head and he has lived in Cromarty for ages (and is a bit of a legend)-and I would say an honorary crom. I really like working at Sutor Creek, and I think one of its hardest working staff members is without a doubt Linda who is a definate Crom! I also see Gillian in the picture - i think every child in cromarty of the last 20 years has had dinner she has made, or played in her garden? Surely if there is some kind of honorary cromarty lifetime membership award it should go to her?...... I would say a crom is someone who lives in Cromarty and loves it here. And if things change for the better then thats a good thing? No-one wants to lose any of the things that are already good, so they don't change and thats why cromarty is brilliant. No-one trys to change the good things, because they are the reason we love it here. Sutor Creek is a good thing for Cromarty, bringing employment and more importantly pizzas and delightful waiting staff! It was an empty shop before and now its a succesful business. I have lived in Cromarty my whole life, and I appreciate the culture here, and the community, but it also makes me happy to see how they develop. I realise that I am adding this a very long time after everyone else, I have only just read it.....and probably no-one is talking about it anymore. And just for the record Greig... ROSEFARM IS NOT IN CROMARTY! Comment left on 29 March 2006 at 01:59 by Isla
no we still are isla and thanks i am a proud crom to and will be for ever Comment left on 30 March 2006 at 12:49 by Anonymous
I firmly believe that anyone who does not have the courage to want their name at the end of the more [potentially] hurtful contributions should not have their comments included. Personally, 1986 to the present, living in Cromarty;best days of my life !! The photos of Croms On Tour, young people whose Great-Great- Grannies were born here and those whose parents were not even born in Cromarty going around in a huge, happy bunch is showing the rest of us how it should be. Comment left on 17 April 2006 at 09:54 by An{n}on. Hill
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