Sea Cottage - c1904
Nowadays called 'Seacott', the cottage on the right is at the west end of Shore St. Most interesting in this picture is what can be seen in the gap between the two cottages. There is another thatched cottage where the garden above the links car park is now, to the east of the ice house.
This confused us so much that we didn't initially know where this scene was, but were able to confirm it by the post just above and to the left of the barrel. It can be seen in picture #804.
Albums: Buildings
1 Comment
These people are my Granny Helen Finlayson and my Great Aunt Jean standing up. It may be my Great uncle Donald in front of them but no doubt someone in our family can identify the others. The cottage now has a porch and wall in front of it.
Comment left on 01 April 2006 at 21:11 by Hazel Clark
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