Igloo in Townlands Park - 2003
This igloo was built the day before this picture was taken, but was two feet higher. Overnight it shrank as the snow melted.
Albums: People
It is the coolest Igloo, I have ever seen.
Comment left on 27 December 2003 by Katie Ann Mackay
We helped build it and Holly, Rhys and Dylan look so cute.
Comment left on 08 December 2005 at 20:39 by Samantha Shepherd & Melissa Mackay
This is NOT an Igloo.
This should actually be called a "Quinzy".
A "Quinzy" is made by hollowing out a pile of snow.
Whereas an Igloo is made from blocks of snow, laid in a spiral pattern, with no need to hollow anything out.
Nice shot though ! I loved making them as a kid.
Cheers !
Comment left on 29 October 2006 at 21:20 by Roy Pennington
This should actually be called a "Quinzy".
A "Quinzy" is made by hollowing out a pile of snow.
Whereas an Igloo is made from blocks of snow, laid in a spiral pattern, with no need to hollow anything out.
Nice shot though ! I loved making them as a kid.
Cheers !
Comment left on 29 October 2006 at 21:20 by Roy Pennington
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