Cromarty Archive

Catriona Gilles' Retirement Presentation - 1994

Catriona Gilles' Retirement Presentation - 1994

Date Added: 03 December 2004 Contributor: Catriona Gillies Year: 1994 Picture No: 969

David Alston, Clem Watson, Eric Malcolm, Bright Gordon, Eric Stewart (PO), Rev Galloway, Mrs Newell and Duncan MacPherson presenting Catriona with her retirement present.

Albums: People

Groups: Cromarty & Poyntzfield Post Offices


Dear catriona, yes it was me and my wife kathleen, you saw on the denny in April .i knew you saw a donnie robertson, from the past. There is however another donnie on the go, 28 years old, my youngest child, of three .five grandchildren, all lovely .three boys, two girls. I rember you well, but more so john who was a great influence on my life .is it not strange how some people have that natural ability. There was one man here in ellon, who did the same.i hope that I have managed to the same .for my family, and other colleagues? I woorked as a medical rep for almost 30 years, before returning to my natural calling as an rgn. Ie registerd general nurse, which I am now pursuing again. I always wantered to be a dr. But this is the next best thing .congratulations on your honour, and I alwas enjoy your p /j photos. best wishes donnie robertson 3rd. Comment left on 18 July 2006 at 13:54 by Donnie Robertson .
does anyone know how Rev Galloway is doing??

Comment left on 03 September 2006 at 22:09 by Frances Cameron
I'm looking for information on Catriona Gillies for research into the Ross-shire SWRI Federation History. I can find most of her siblings but nothing for a Catriona. was her name really Catherine Jessie Gillies? Comment left on 12 June 2020 by Phyllis Hannah
Catriona was my great aunt. Although she was registered as Catherine Jessie Gillies at birth, we only knew her as Catriona. The reason may be that her parents were from Skye and spoke gaelic at home. My mother was named Catriona after her auntie. Comment left on 05 July 2020 by Alasdair MacDonald
Thanks Alasdair Comment left on 17 July 2020 by Phyllis Hannah
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