In the Fishertown, Cromarty
Really nice old postcard showing an unusual view of fishertown, Cromarty - 1900??
Please let us know if you can identify the year?
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Albums: Postcards
This is from the same negative as a card published by James Valentine of Dundee & numbered 32608 - which dates it at about 1900. There's a guide to Valentine's numbering at:www.edinphoto.org.uk.
Comment left on 27 September 2005 at 13:34 by Jim Nye
This postcard was sent to my grandfather in Australia, with a message. "This is your very own Annie 'Bumble', Big Bobbach & little Bobbach." It's looking along Gordon's Lane, I think from Shore Street. The first house on the left is I think where my grandfather Robert Watson was born. His parents were George & Catherine (Hogg)
Comment left on 13 November 2010 at 12:56 by Irene Fish
Hi Irene, the photo is taken from near the top of Gordons Lane looking down to the Shore St end. I'll try to add a current photo from the same place.
Comment left on 14 November 2010 at 16:11 by Garve Scott-Lodge
Is no 33 Gordon's Lane on the right, White House and does that make no 37 at the top middle of this picture?
Comment left on 12 July 2015 at 06:50 by Irene
also on the postcard sent to my grandfather, words that "this is your very own native house. ... and Pepa? I know Annie bumble is a Hogg, old & young Bobbach are Robert Hogg but who is 'Pepa?? or Hepa?? this name is incomplete at the edge of the postcard!
Comment left on 17 July 2015 at 13:04 by Irene
On a recent visit to Cromarty, I noted a remark in the museum that by this period the fishing was well into a decline, and towns like Cromarty - and their remaining fisherfolk - were regarded increasingly as quaint tourist destinations. As someone who teaches sociology linked to the seaside, this was very interesting. Can anyone give me further information or evidence for this? Thanks if you can.
Comment left on 28 September 2016 at 14:51 by Jo Hugh-Jones
is that not Jimma Toots house at the end of the lane,with the Souters in the background
Comment left on 05 October 2016 at 13:34 by Ian Jack
No you can't see jimma toots house as its at the back of the house which belonged to the hossacks ( sponge) that's the one at the end of photo -
Comment left on 07 November 2016 at 14:13 by Sue Florence
Thanks Sue Florence, your comment helps with visualization of the current houses.
My Great grandmother owned/lived at NO.33 Gordon's Lane until she died 1930's, would that be half of the whitewashed house on the right with the double chimney pot? Comment left on 14 November 2016 at 23:43 by Irene Fish
My Great grandmother owned/lived at NO.33 Gordon's Lane until she died 1930's, would that be half of the whitewashed house on the right with the double chimney pot? Comment left on 14 November 2016 at 23:43 by Irene Fish
It could be Irene - photo not that good - house not there now - it's a wee garden with a few chickens lol
Comment left on 24 November 2016 at 14:03 by Anonymous
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