Pic 488: School Photograph - c1915? Pic 1138: Cromarty House Gardens Pic 1297: Church St Pic 1551: HMS Natal Pic 1981: PC45 William Macdonald Pic 2950: Item found in the garden of 21 High St Pic 3057: Alfred Gunner - 1st Class Stoker, HMS Natal Pic 3058: Letter from Arthur Taylor Pic 3068: Kenneth Sutherland & family Pic 3162: Mark Tippey, HMS Natal Pic 3278: Postcard from HMS Natal Pic 3279: Postcard from HMS Natal Pic 3337: Boot & Shoe Shop, Church Street Pic 3417: Geordie Cunningham - Church Street Pic 3678: Uncle of Geordie Cunningham? Pic 3705: Letter posted from HMS Natal Pic 3708: William Watson, 66 Big Vennel. (1891-1919)