Pic 325: The links showing the Curling Pond - c1959 Pic 518: The Lifeboat Crew during the Servus rescue - 1959 Pic 533: Wreck of the Servus - 1959 Pic 1488: Funeral at Gaelic Chapel Pic 1579: Matheson's Grocers - c1959 Pic 1835: Funeral procession on High St. Pic 2156: Caroline and Jackie Bain Pic 2158: Caroline and Jackie Bain Pic 2292: Cromarty Regatta Day - c1959 Pic 2887: School photo - c1959 Pic 2980: The Retreat Pic 3317: Me - Jackie Bain. Looks to be around 1959/60 Pic 3686: Robertsons at the Shore Inn, Gordon's Lane - c1959