Finishing the tatties at Rosefarm
1967 was a very wet and muddy year. Also see picture #1113. After many interruptions, picking was finally finished on 22nd November.
Albums: Farming
I have always felt that Rosefarm is the place I grew up in and in 1967 I would've been four years old, this picture I feel, would have been maybe a decade later, as I think I can remember my dad teaching me how to plough in a straight line on a similar tractor, if not the same one. The license plate should help.
Comment left on 27 October 2006 at 23:42 by Angela Taylor
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I would be most interested in any information about the Rose Farm and/or the families that worked there that you might be able to share.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Bob Holmes Comment left on 07 April 2006 at 17:08 by Bob Holmes