Cromarty Archive

Lifting Tatties - c1955 Pic 502: Lifting Tatties - c1955 Harvester being used at Eathie farm Pic 556: Harvester being used at Eathie farm JCBing at Newton Farm Pic 558: JCBing at Newton Farm Newton Farm pumping station Pic 559: Newton Farm pumping station Aerial pic of Allerton Farm - 2004 Pic 675: Aerial pic of Allerton Farm - 2004 Aerial view of Glenurquhart Farm - 2004 Pic 681: Aerial view of Glenurquhart Farm - 2004 Tattie Pickers at Rosefarm Pic 1099: Tattie Pickers at Rosefarm Danny McBean of Shorelands Pic 1111: Danny McBean of Shorelands Mud at Rosefarm 1967 Pic 1113: Mud at Rosefarm 1967 Tattie picking at Rosefarm Pic 1117: Tattie picking at Rosefarm Tattie picker at Rosefarm Pic 1118: Tattie picker at Rosefarm Finishing the tatties at Rosefarm Pic 1119: Finishing the tatties at Rosefarm De-stoning at Davidston Pic 1218: De-stoning at Davidston Charlie Noble Pic 1366: Charlie Noble Farming scene Pic 1454: Farming scene Farming Group Pic 1457: Farming Group Sheep shearing Pic 1458: Sheep shearing A break during shearing Pic 1459: A break during shearing Rosefarm House and Steading Pic 1548: Rosefarm House and Steading Tattie Picking behind the West Church -c1950 Pic 1815: Tattie Picking behind the West Church -c1950 Sewage farm ditching Pic 2015: Sewage farm ditching View from Mains Avenue - postcard Pic 2140: View from Mains Avenue - postcard Combine in the ditch Pic 2236: Combine in the ditch You put your right hand in . . . Pic 2237: You put your right hand in . . .