Pic 304: North Sutor Stacks Pic 305: Hugh Miller Cottage Pic 306: Hugh Miller Monument Pic 307: Cromarty Courthouse Pic 308: Fisher Girls Pic 309: Eathie Burn Pic 310: Gaelic Chapel Pic 311: Eathie Waterfall Pic 312: High Street Pic 313: Gordons Lane Pic 314: Big Vennel Pic 315: MacFarquhar's Bed Pic 319: Cromarty Links & Lighthouse Pic 393: East Church - c1900 Pic 466: Fisher Scene in the Big Vennel Pic 487: Shore St - c1900??? Pic 505: Postcard taken from Icehouse - c1900 Pic 506: Church St - c1900 Pic 507: Gordons Lane - c1900 Pic 515: East Church - c1900 Pic 516: Courthouse Postcards - c1900, c2000 Pic 661: Sutors of Cromarty Pic 781: Big Vennel Pic 805: East Church & Sutors <123>