Pic 395: Standpipe on Shore St - c1940 Pic 396: Crowds at Review of the Fleet - 1957 Pic 397: Cycling Proficiency at School - c1960 Pic 399: Family at the rear of Bellevue Pic 400: Ceremony outside of the Courthouse Pic 401: Dignitaries outside of Courthouse Pic 402: Dunn's Tea Shop Pic 403: Fisherman pulling in the nets Pic 404: Fishing Nets in front of Sutors Pic 405: Two men in St Regulus' Graveyard Pic 406: Mr Fraser in front of Shoe Shop Pic 407: Mr Fraser in front of Shoe Shop with Family? Pic 408: Small boy in Bayview Crescent Pic 580: Wedding Group outside Royal Annex - 1968 Pic 581: View from Lady's Walk - c1935 Pic 613: Men in a boat at the mouth of the harbour - c1951 Pic 614: Snow on the links - c1977 Pic 615: Malcolm Thomson - Big Vennel - c1975 Pic 616: Relaxing against the Parapet Wall - c1981 Pic 618: Rosie, Peter and Raymond - c1976