Crowds at Review of the Fleet - 1957
Date Added: 19 July 2003
Contributor: Stephen Thomson
Year: 1957
Picture No: 396
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We thought this was the Coronation in 1953, but have been informed that it was raining that day, and that some of the children look too old.
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This was the visit of the Royal Review of the Fleet on Monday, 27th May, 1957. The photo was featured in the Daily Express of Tuesday the 28th.
Comment left on 29 September 2003 by Clem Watson
Just to the right of the small girl standing is Jean Watson, wife of John Watson, lifeboat mechanic.
Comment left on 30 September 2003 by Clem Watson
I have strong memories of this boat "The Challenger" ...it was a fixture on the shore in front of the lookout for many years ...in fact I still have a nasty scar on my right leg ..when I slipped off the side of the boat, and burnt my leg on the rope you can see surrounding the boat... while playing as a young lad ...and had to be rushed to the district nurse who used to live in the Fishertown area?
Comment left on 23 January 2004 by John Macdonald
Comment left on 23 January 2004 by John Macdonald
You're right John, the Nurse's house was in the Fishertown, and known as The Weatherglass House.
Before the days of accurate weather forcasting, the Cromarty fishermen used to gather at the
gable end of that house to read the built-in barometer, thermometer etc., etc. Comment left on 23 January 2004 by Clem Watson
Before the days of accurate weather forcasting, the Cromarty fishermen used to gather at the
gable end of that house to read the built-in barometer, thermometer etc., etc. Comment left on 23 January 2004 by Clem Watson
Linda Brewster ( Couper) has her arm around me, Moira Mackay ( Munro) at the front of the photo. I was 4.
Comment left on 06 February 2021 by Moira Munro
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The boat was the Challenger.
Children include - Ronnie Cooper, Davie Maclean, Harry Kelly, Linda Brewster, Diane Cooper, Donald Hogg, Jane Mackay, Billy Brewster, Geordie McPhee (Geordie Bear)
Adults include - Ethel Brewster, Jean MacPhee, Catherine Pringle, Babs Mackay, Comment left on 19 August 2003 by Garve Scott-Lodge