Pic 619: Painting from Hugh Miller's Monument - c1910 Pic 914: Cromarty Railway - 1914 Pic 1779: Cromarty School Primary 6? - 1956?? Pic 2740: John Wittiton gravestone Pic 2898: The "Saga", Cromarty Pic 2899: Coastguard Station and Lighthouse Pic 2900: A Pretty Peep, Cromarty - postcard Pic 2901: 1910 postcard of Cromarty form the west Pic 2903: View from the West - c1960 Pic 2907: Rosenberg - c1930 Pic 2908: McFarquhar's Bed Pic 2909: Royal Yacht, Britannia Pic 2910: Queens visit 1964 Pic 2911: Royal Yacht Pic 2912: HRH on the pier Pic 2913: Britannia and Escort Pic 2914: HRH Visit 1964 Pic 2915: The Queen on the pier. Pic 2916: The Links Pic 2917: Gala day, Cromarty - 1935? Pic 2918: The bottom of Bank St on Gala day - c1930 Pic 2919: John Campbell Pic 2940: Robertson's Lodge Pic 2941: Carvings on Robertson's Lodge, Duke St 123>