Bobby and Iain Hogg - 1987
Ian learning to steer the 'Peedie Lass'.
Albums: People
That is without a doubt my favourite photo I have ever seen.
Comment left on 13 May 2007 at 22:59 by Iain Hogg
Aw, that is so sweet. Look at you as wee boy Iain. Back when life was all about boats and eating fish! Grandad looks like someone else.
Comment left on 11 August 2007 at 19:17 by Joanna Garratt
Last year, on 28 September, my wife and I were visiting Scotland and had come to Cromarty Bay on the Black Isle. Right next to a small road that ended at the ferry dock was an old blue boat, propped up by some rickety framework. On its bow was the name "Peedie Lass." I photographed it, and have since wondered who the Peedie Lass was, who owned her and sailed her, and, indeed, where the name came from. I would love to have some information if possible. From the photo above, I cannot get enough of a glimpse of the boat to see if i is the same one, but I have a feeling that it must be. I could e-mail a copy of my photo to whoever might respond to my query. You can e-mail me at
Thank you,
Georg von Tiesenhausen
Comment left on 19 October 2007 at 01:10 by Georg von Tiesenhausen
Thank you,
Georg von Tiesenhausen
The Peedie Lass was my Grandad, Bobby Hogg's, boat, but I think it's my Uncle Robert's (father of Iain in the picture and Bobby's son) now. I think she's been out of the water for a few years now. Peedie is a Shetland (or Orcadian?) word for 'little', so Peedie Lass literally means 'little girl'.
I hope that answers your questions, Georg, and I'm sure if I'm wrong on any point I'll be corrected quickly enough! It would be lovely to see the picture you too, perhaps you could email it to the Image Library and see if Garve will publish it?
Best wishes Comment left on 19 October 2007 at 18:42 by Kirsten Fleetwood (nee Garratt)
I hope that answers your questions, Georg, and I'm sure if I'm wrong on any point I'll be corrected quickly enough! It would be lovely to see the picture you too, perhaps you could email it to the Image Library and see if Garve will publish it?
Best wishes Comment left on 19 October 2007 at 18:42 by Kirsten Fleetwood (nee Garratt)
The Peedie Lass came from Dingwall to Cromarty. It was built in the north isles of Orkney. Peedie is used in Orkney and peerie in Shetland.
Comment left on 19 October 2007 at 21:33 by Dennis Manson
To Kristen Fleetwood and Dennis Manson, thank you very much for the information about the Peedie Lass.
Georg's photo can be seen on picture #2024 Comment left on 22 October 2007 at 00:14 by Georg von Tiesenhausen
Georg's photo can be seen on picture #2024 Comment left on 22 October 2007 at 00:14 by Georg von Tiesenhausen
I absolutely love Iain's life jacket in this picture!
Comment left on 16 October 2008 at 13:43 by Anonymous
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