93 Little Vennel
This house at the bottom of the Little Vennel was derelict until the early 70s.
Albums: Buildings
My great-uncle, Alex McGookin, owned this house for a few years. He wanted to put curved glass windows in but was frustrated by the planning department (correctly I'd have to say) and so never did anything with it at all.
Comment left on 17 February 2003 by Garve Scott-Lodge
There was a Dave Summers and his sister lived there in the 50's, if I have it right. Wrote Bible quotes on large stones along the seashore. Made you think a bit! An expert at handline fishing off the rocks - knew all the good places to go.
Comment left on 05 December 2003 by Dennis Manson
My gran Elsie Hogg sold this house in World War two. It was left to her by her granny Hogg.
Comment left on 20 October 2004 at 10:54 by Alan Pike
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