Pic 218: 93 Little Vennel Pic 219: Cleaning fishing nets by the Salmon Bothy. Pic 220: Tommy Sailor's House Pic 262: Church St - middle - c1900 Pic 288: Military Procession in High St - c1910 Pic 317: School Picture 1916 Pic 333: School Photograph 1926 Pic 334: School Photograph 1927 Pic 335: School Photograph 1935 Pic 336: School Photograph 1936 Pic 337: School Photograph 1916? Pic 338: School Photograph 1920? Pic 339: Girl Guides Pic 340: Rowers Pic 1214: D.R. Mackenzie's Bakehouse Pic 1215: Cromarty Bowling Club - League Winners1935 Pic 1216: Cromarty Football Team 1936 Pic 1217: WWII Army Camp on Cromarty Links Pic 1219: West Church - c1930 Pic 1220: Military Parade on High St - c1901? Pic 1221: Winners of Northern Bowling League Pic 1222: Bowling in August 1936 Pic 1223: The Hill and Bowling Green - c1936 Pic 1224: Sailor's Funeral at the Harbour - c1900?? 123>