High Street
From a book of photographs published by John Bain, Draper and Clothier, Cromarty. 1900
Photographed by Valentines Dudee.
Albums: Buildings, Landscapes and Views, Shops, Streets
1 Comment
I love old photos like this. It is actually my great grandad's name that is on the doorstep of what was formerly 'Binnie's' teashop, "D. Junor". Would love it if that fountain was still standing where it is, even if it meant there was no road going through. But think how many vandals would have had their wicked way if it were, sadly is the state Cromarty 'home of the parton' these days, although think it has gotten better since I have been away and returned from Australia!
Comment left on 21 September 2005 at 22:23 by Ross
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