James Reid 1863 - 1943
Former Provost of Cromarty.
Albums: People
This is a rare picture of my Great Grand Father. He was a Fish Merchant and quite a tyrant according to my Mother. He bought No.7 Braehead for his son James and his expanding family in 1919, a year after my Mother Jessie was born.
Comment left on 12 May 2003 by Arthur Bird
Hello. I had to stop at the name Reid. I have been tracing some of my family, my great grandmother was a Reid Margaret born in 1865. Her mother was Jane Taylor b 1837ish and her father was Alexander Reid b 1836ish. Other children if I'm on the right track were Eliza Alexander Hughina William Jamesina and a grandson Duncan Allen?? I don't think they are anything to do with James Reid because they were all farm workers, still you never know. I am hoping to visit Cromarty one day. I used to live in Tain but have lived in London for a long time now.
Comment left on 20 May 2003 by Patricia Fraser
I am related to James Reid, Provost of Cromarty. My great grandparents, Donald Watson and Martha Reid lived next door to his family at Braehead. I have researched both his and my ancestry for Reids and Watsons in Cromarty.
Comment left on 11 February 2006 at 17:42 by Alexandra Norton ms Watson
Alexandra, if you are related to James Reid - as am I - we have each found a hitherto unknown relative! James Reid in the picture is my great grandfather. He bought the house for his son also James Reid at No.7 Braehead in 1919, we still live in that house today. James Reid senior lived in Gordon's Lane, I believe his house was demolished in the flood in 1940. James Reid junior (my grandfather) was brought up by by his aunt Martha Reid, his mother died when he was very young. He is buried with his aunt Martha in the Gaelic Churchyard, is this the same Martha Reid as you refer to? I would be interested in sharing more details. Interesting stuff.
Comment left on 19 February 2006 at 10:49 by Arthur Bird
Yes, Arthur.
How interesting. Yes, we are linked through the Reid line. I've done extensive research on the Cromarty Reids - your ancestry is easier to trace than mine! We always had tea in one of the Cromarty tearooms with your Aunt Margaret Reid while in Cromarty from 1991 onwards and visited her in her home and in the nursing home. My grandmother, Roseina (Ina)Watson (ms Doull), kept in touch with your family until she died in early 1980s and my aunt Martha always popped in to see Margaret as well. She knows her sister Martha too.We noticed a vast change in No 7 Braehead on our last holiday in Cromarty in 2004. If you contact me at my e mail address I'd be delighted as our mutual ancestors have been in touch now for around 80 years (when mine left Cromarty). My aunt is a Martha Reid Watson. What a wonderful photo of your grandfather.
Alexandra (Alex) Norton Comment left on 19 February 2006 at 14:58 by Alexandra Norton (ms Watson)
How interesting. Yes, we are linked through the Reid line. I've done extensive research on the Cromarty Reids - your ancestry is easier to trace than mine! We always had tea in one of the Cromarty tearooms with your Aunt Margaret Reid while in Cromarty from 1991 onwards and visited her in her home and in the nursing home. My grandmother, Roseina (Ina)Watson (ms Doull), kept in touch with your family until she died in early 1980s and my aunt Martha always popped in to see Margaret as well. She knows her sister Martha too.We noticed a vast change in No 7 Braehead on our last holiday in Cromarty in 2004. If you contact me at my e mail address I'd be delighted as our mutual ancestors have been in touch now for around 80 years (when mine left Cromarty). My aunt is a Martha Reid Watson. What a wonderful photo of your grandfather.
Alexandra (Alex) Norton Comment left on 19 February 2006 at 14:58 by Alexandra Norton (ms Watson)
James Reid is also my Great Grandfather, Arthur Bird my cousin. There is now a branch of the tree in New Zealand. Hello to you Alexandra.
Comment left on 15 August 2015 at 04:30 by Isabel Margaret Reid Ashworth
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