Pic 243: Esther (Alice) Hossack - 1930 Pic 244: Alexander Finlayson (Puffer) - c1930 Pic 248: Cromarty Harbour - c1903 Pic 249: Cromarty Fish Market Pic 250: Big Vennel Pic 253: Prince Charles Visits Cromarty Pic 254: Cromarty House Pic 255: Cromarty Sutors from behind the Courthouse Pic 256: Little Vennel Pic 257: Fishing Activity Pic 259: Cromarty Harbour Pic 261: Line Baiting Pic 264: Shore St. from between Vennels Pic 265: Cromarty High Street Pic 266: Grandmother & Grandsons Pic 267: Daniel Hossack 1871 - 1934 Pic 268: New Blood Pic 278: Fleet at Rest in the Cromarty Firth Pic 298: Cromarty Lighthouse Pic 319: Cromarty Links & Lighthouse Pic 321: James Reid 1863 - 1943 Pic 343: Fleet Entering Firth Pic 461: Salmon Fishers Pic 462: Cromarty Roof Top Veiw 12345>