Pic 77: Denny Road - before Townlands houses Pic 1531: Gala Queen - 1971 Pic 1532: Gala Queen and attendants - 1971 Pic 1533: Crowning of Gala Queen - 1971 Pic 1635: Group at West Church - 1971 Pic 1655: Snooker Club Presentation Pic 1780: Bayview back gardens - c1971 Pic 1790: Kids at Bayview, Pic 1821: Kids in Bayview Pic 1881: Wedding of Margaret Finlayson and Kenneth MacAulay Pic 2082: Fishertown seafront without boulder sea-break Pic 2332: Very Young Trio Pic 3318: Cynthia and Mrs Bain in the old tennis court