Pic 434: Robert Hogg - Regatta 2003 Pic 435: Start of the Race - Regatta 2003 Pic 437: Flat out for Home - Regatta 2003 Pic 443: North Sutor in January - 2003 Pic 444: Gillian Newman painting her chimney Pic 445: Hugh Cherry! Pic 446: Hugh Miller 1802-2002 & Pete Clunas Pic 448: Philip MacDonald dives over the slip - 9/8/03 Pic 560: MV Cromarty Firth in 1944 Pic 603: Albion House circa 1960 Pic 604: Clements Family in the Garden of Wellington House Pic 605: Nigg Sands 4th July 1977 Pic 606: Nigg Sands 1980 Pic 607: North and South Sutors 1977 Pic 622: Barracuda aircraft over the firth - 5th Jan 1945 Pic 623: Cromarty Playgroup Christmas Party 1987 Pic 625: Two Lifeboats in the Harbour 27th Dec 2003 Pic 628: Dramatic Sunrise 23rd Jan 2004 Pic 634: Cromarty Highland Games Poster Pic 658: Aerial view of Cromarty from the west - 2001 Pic 669: Clunes House Pic 672: Sea King 137 over St Annes Pic 673: Sea King 137 making a low pass near the Targets Pic 685: Cromarty Sunset from Clach Mhallaichte <12345678910>